The Gospel Brings Light, Healing, and Prosperity to the World

The Gospel is the solution to all problems and the answer to all questions, says our Man of God, Pastor Chris Oyakhilome.

To have the vital knowledge and live with the consciousness that Christ lives in you is one of the greatest blessings of Christianity.

When you’re born again, you receive eternal life and become everlasting. You’re brought from your humanity into eternity. It’s a personal choice you make to fulfill God’s plan for your life and be all that He’s destined you to be.

The impact of Rhapsody of Realities was indisputable when countless testimonies were shared by the various participants who took the podium to instill faith in the global audience over the 2-days of the ReachOut World Campaign last week.

The mandate became clearer when Pastor Chris Oyakhilome explained the essence of this course. “The Gospel is the surest help that can get to any people,” he recounted. The man of God admonished the saints to take advantage of the window of opportunity available to reach the whole world for Jesus Christ. “We can’t waste time. The opening of the window to reach the world is timed. We can’t afford to wait too long,” Pastor Chris continued, saying; “the truth that the Gospel destroys all forms of poverty. It brings light, healing, and absolute prosperity.”

“God has chosen you to help take this Gospel to the ends of the earth, He’s supplying you with continuous streams of finances.”

It is now the time to gain accurate knowledge from God’s Word concerning events in our world today and be rightly positioned for victory, which is why we are excited about the upcoming week.

More truths will be revealed

We are gearing up for another episode of ‘Your LoveWorld Specials with Pastor Chris’ this week. This will be the 4th phase of Season 7. The special telecast be broadcast globally on all Loveworld Networks from Wednesday, May 17th to Friday, May 19th at 7 pm GMT+1.

This unique program began in 2020 when the world was going through the COVID-19 pandemic, and everyone was scared and vulnerable.

So much truth has been revealed by the man of God since the inception of this highly successful program which has liberated many individuals, families, nations, organizations, and the Church from falling prey to the deceptions of the Devil and his cohorts.

Billions of people are expected to participate from all over the world as we prepare for the words of wisdom from our Man of God.

Pastor Chris told the global audience at the ReachOut World event: “Our need to preach the gospel now, like never before, speed up our work, is a major calling right now. We can’t afford to waste the time, we got to take it to the ends of the earth!”

He emphasized that the gospel is the surest way to help people.

“The way to beat the system of the world is by giving into God’s kingdom. Why? Because only in giving God is there a promise of a harvest, by one who is powerful enough to make it happen,” says Pastor Chris Oyakhilome.

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