The Power of Prayer and Praise with Pastor Chris

We ended the ‘Month of Lights‘ on a glorious high with Praise Night 14 with Pastor Chris Oyakhilome, coupled with fasting and prayers culminating in a unique prayer session. This was the way to launch the new month of May which promises to be full of spiritual truths. God’s people will always have reasons to offer praise to Him.

Kicking off this month is the 2-day ReachOut World Extravaganza on Friday and Saturday the 5th and 6th of May 2023. The purpose of this event is to fulfill Jesus’ mandate of spreading the Gospel to every part of the world.

On Sunday we will officially bring in the Month of May with the Global Communion Service with Pastor Chris, taking place on the 7th of May 2023, at 3:30 pm (GMT +1).

The Power of Prayer and Praise with Pastor Chris Oyakhilome is evident in the global events held through Christ Embassy.

Why do we pray?

This week in the message of the week series with Pastor Chris, the Man of God discusses the ‘Benefits of Prayer’.

If you’ve been missing out on the Message of the Week, it’s not too late to catch up. ‘The Benefits of Prayer’ is now available from the Pastor Chris Digital Library for your perusal.

We have all witnessed the benefits and power of prayers. Through our Global Days of Prayer, we can see changes happening in the world.

Through the Healing Streams Live Healing Services, we can witness the testimonies of healing, salvation, and total transformation through the power of prayer.

Pastor Chris Oyakhilome has announced another Healing Streams Live Healing Services in July which is open for registration already. We can hear the thousands of testimonies that continue to flow in every day on Healing Streams TV.

Salvation and transformation

For a taste of what is to come, read all about Bongai Duma from Australia who sent the following testimony:

“Glory be to God. I have suffered great pain in my muscles for about 4 years now which the doctor said was Fibromyalgia. Also, I suffered terrible back pain for over 10 years worse on the right side, and severe pain in my left buttock for 5 years. My body was in disarray with the suffering. Well, in this March edition of Healing Streams Live Healing Services with our Man of God, I so believed more than I ever did since HSLHS started. My back is improving every day. I used to feel my arm muscles literally aching when I carried a small item even 2 kg. I had to keep on swapping arms on my way from the shop to the car. Well, today, 26 March 2023, I walked to the shops about 2 km away and bought groceries of more than 2 kg weight. I was swapping my arms not because of pain. I am sitting now I do not feel the fatigue and the exacerbation of pain I used to feel. I had saith “Father, I will testify of your goodness” Indeed I am healed, fully restored to my former glory. Thank you, Pastor sir, for, answering the call. Because of you, I am healed! Glory!! Greater testimonies are coming. God bless you.”

Blessing Omomia from Nigeria had this to say about her healing miracle:

“Praise God forevermore!!!! I received my healing in the just concluded Healing Streams Live Healing Services with our dear Man of God. I was diagnosed with Lumbosacral Spine in 2021, I was actually managing the situation knowing it doesn’t have any medical cure. Although, it wasn’t an easy walk. I continued speaking words to my body and I started carrying out the exercises advised by the specialist. As this year’s HSLHS with Pastor was announced, I quickly registered and was anticipating with joy in my heart because I know my healing has come. Immediately our Man started praying on day 2, I placed my hands around about my body as Pastor prayed. I thanked the Lord for my healing and I slept off after the close of the program. When I woke up the next day, I realized I no longer feel the pain. So, I immediately started doing the things I couldn’t do before, like bending, sitting for a long period, etc. Our God is gracious and kind! My healing is perfected in Jesus’ Name. Glory!!!!!! I want to Thank our Dear Man of God for answering the call of the Healing Ministry. I’m alive!!!!!”

Don’t miss your opportunity for healing and restoration from Friday the 28th to Sunday the 30th of July at 3:00 pm (GMT+1).

This global healing crusade produces magnificent results, with opportunities to participate both physically and virtually through various healing centers.

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