ReachOut World Extravaganza with Pastor Chris Oyakhilome is an initiative to spread the Gospel to the whole world. We know that God’s Word deserves global penetration and influence.
Using Rhapsody of Realities as an evangelical tool for global reach, this daily devotional has been translated into 7858 languages, ensuring that no one has been left out.
The ReachOut Extravaganza is a two-day virtual event catering to all Christians and Christian organizations who want to take the Gospel around the world.
Pastor Chris Oyakhilome will be hosting the ReachOut World Extravaganza on Friday and Saturday the 5th and 6th of May 2023 an event to fulfill Jesus’ mandate of spreading the Gospel to every part of the world.

The Mandate is Clear
In an excerpt from ‘Your LoveWorld Special’ season 3, Pastor Chris announced: “When Jesus established the church, the church was to take its place in the earth, to establish the spiritual kingdom of God, the church is to take its place and use the victorious Name of Jesus. The Lord Jesus defeated Satan and his cohorts of hell and rendered them powerless; we are hereby mandated to take charge by the authority in the Name of Jesus.”
Now is the time to spread the Word of God to all the corners of the earth, Christians from all around the world will experience a powerful time of worship, teachings, life-transforming messages, and miracles.
When Pastor Chris spoke about the event at the last ‘Your LoveWorld Specials’ Season 7, Phase 3, he said:
“From one generation to another, the work of world evangelization has been passed on uncompleted, but for the first time in history, we have the chance to take the gospel to the whole world. This is the first time that the Church has had such an extraordinary opportunity to finish this work which was started long ago by the Lord Jesus Christ himself and commissioned to His Apostles, and now to us through the generations. For the first time, the Gospel of Jesus is being preached in all the world’s known languages through Rhapsody of Realities. The blind and deaf are not left out; everyone has an opportunity. This is why we’ve organized Reachout World Extravaganza so you get to know what we are doing and how you can be a part of it.”
He continued to say: “The Reachout World Extravaganza is a divine appointment with destiny, a moment ordained by God for you to experience the supernatural in your life. We are excited to bring together believers from all over the world to experience the power and presence of God like never before.”
“This is the most significant opportunity the Church has had in about 2000 years, and we can’t miss or blow it. We must finish the work.”
“We have Rhapsody for Children and teenagers, and for those who are visually impaired, we have the Braille version, which is also available in hundreds of languages”.
The event will be broadcast live on all Loveworld Networks, digital platforms, and social media. You can register for free by visiting the Reachout World website.
Busy Weekend Ahead with Pastor Chris
Prepare yourself for a busy weekend ahead, Sunday the 7th will be the Global Communion Service for May, where our Man of God will be enlightening us with the word of the month.
Appropriately, last year May was the ‘Month of Praise’, what will it be called this ‘Year of the Prolific Church’? Join Pastor Chris to find out.
Watch the video below to see the moment he declared April to be the ‘Month of Lights‘.