Pastor Chris Shows the Truth of God’s Word at the LoveWorld Specials

Today the new phase of season 7 will begin, this is phase 4 of the successful season 7 of ‘Your LoveWorld Specials‘ with Pastor Chris Oyakhilome.

The event will be broadcasted live on all the LoveWorld networks, designated ministry websites, and various social media platforms from today, Wednesday the 17th of May, until Friday, the 19th of May at 7:00 PM GMT+1 daily.

It will be a time to be rightly informed about current global events and receive deeper insights into the mysteries of the Kingdom as well as prophecies inspired by the Holy Ghost.

It is that set time again to dedicate 3 days to speaking words of life into our spiritual atmosphere and breaking the power and influence of evil over our nations.

Pastor Chris Oyakhilome shows the truth of God’s Word at the LoveWorld Specials.

Real battles are won spiritually says Pastor Chris

As we know, not all battles are worth fighting, which is why we need to pick our most meaningful battles. Even though we live in a physical world, it is controlled by spiritual forces.

In Ephesians 6:12, the Bible says: “For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.”

The most important battle we must fight as the Church of Jesus Christ is not physical but spiritual and in order to win, we are required to deploy our spiritual weapons of warfare; and we know that one of them is prayer.

Satan has an evil agenda to pollute and destroy the human race, which is why we are admonished in scripture to give him no room (Ephesians 4:27).

In the past 3 years, we all witnessed Satan’s relentless attempts to sway the Nations through deception and falsehood. Spiritual forces of darkness have tried to take over the world with devastating results for global economies and people’s lives. But we have also witnessed the power of prayer with Pastor Chris and Christ Embassy Churches all around the world.

Pastor Chris reminds us that through prayer we possess the power to thwart the evil attempts of Satan. Our words and prayers, invoked in His name, hold the ultimate authority over heaven and earth.

A parade of victories in the ‘Month of Victory’

In our ‘Month of Victory‘ Pastor Chris tells us: “One wonderful thing about the salvation we have in Christ is that we have absolute victory over the enemy and can serve God without fear. We have been delivered from the powers of darkness and transferred into the glorious kingdom of the Son of God, which leads us in the paths of righteousness and in the triumphant paths of life. So in Christ, your life is a perpetual victory. No matter who stands against you, no matter what anyone says about you or against you, you have absolute victory in Christ.”

The Man of God adds that: “There is absolutely no justification for a Christian to live or respond to any circumstance with fear. Refuse to be afraid of anything or anyone.”

Nothing is as important as your love for Jesus Christ

In today’s Rhapsody of Realities, Pastor Chris talks about the fact that we need to work together with God to make positive changes in the world around us.

“You’re to go out with all boldness, faith, courage, and conviction, knowing that the Lord has already done His part. Remember, Jesus gave His life to save the whole world. John 15:13 says, “Greater love has no one than this than to lay down one’s life for his friends.” Your purpose on earth is to fulfill His dream. It’s to live for Him. Be compelled by the love of the One who gave His life so that everyone who believes in Him will not perish but have eternal life (John 3:16).”

He continues to encourage us to “put your faith, your energies, and your whole life into preaching the Gospel. Nothing should be as important to you as your love for Jesus Christ, which you demonstrate by leading others to salvation.”

Don’t miss the opportunity to make powerful changes with Pastor Chris!

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