Let’s Take Healing to the Nations of the World

Pastor Chris Oyakhilome’s upcoming Healing Streams Live Healing Services program is expected to be the most powerful crusade in the LoveWorld Nation. As our Man of God has told us, “when we work together, nothing can beat us.”

The Christ Embassy president is returning for the third edition this year of this hugely successful program from tomorrow, Friday, 4th of November to Saturday, 5th of November when his miraculous Healing Streams program will take to the airwaves.

The event is scheduled to air at 6:00 PM GMT+1 on both days and will be broadcast live across all LoveWorld television networks, CeFlix, KingsChat, and social media platforms.

Pastor Chris heals the whole family

Testimonies from those who had been healed of various conditions in previous healing meetings with the Man of God Pastor Chris continue to flood in.

Skin rashes, migraines, asthma, sleeping disorders, cramps, and spiritual attacks are all gone. Chloe and Star testified about the miracles that happened in their family after their participation in the previous edition of the Healing Streams Live Healing Services with Pastor Chris.

Esther from the UK testified that she received healing for pains in her ears, back, and head after she participated in the July Healing Streams Live Healing Services with Pastor Chris.

30-year-old Deuel Orok, a once vibrant pilot, found himself in a complicated situation. He underwent surgery for a ruptured appendix, during which his intestines were mistakenly punctured. This led to his being diagnosed with an abdominal abscess and gastrointestinal fistula. Despite several attempts to correct it, there was no solution. Needing supernatural intervention, Deuel participated in the July 2022 edition of the Healing Streams Live Healing Services from a hospital ward in Dubai and was miraculously healed!

Jeffrey from the UK testified: “I have had tension headaches for over 3 months, this made daily activities harder and Praise God through today’s Healing Streams with Pastor Chris I am healed. Thank you God. God, you are so wonderful, no words can comprehend how amazing you are. Thank you Pastor Chris for being a marvelous wonder to our generation and for the love to the world.”

Wisdom Augustine, from Nigeria, testified: “I was healed of a spiritual condition that has been for years at the last healing streams live program with Reverend Dr. Chris Oyakhilome that was held in the month of March 2022. It happened as the man gave the word concerning all those who couldn’t sleep at night because of demonic attacks, and immediately I got my healing.
I’m so happy and want to thank God specially for this testimony and also thank my exceptional Pastor. I love you dearly Pastor Sir for your liquid love.”

The power of God has been demonstrated in the lives of many through the Healing Streams Live Healing Services with the Man of God, Pastor Chris Oyakhilome. Many people from different parts of the world have been touched by the healing power of God during the Healing Streams Live Healing Services with a divine encounter with the Spirit of God.

Take Action Today

Be the vehicle through which others can come in contact with their miracles at the Healing Streams Live Healing Services!

The Healing Streams Live Healing Services with Pastor Chris is scheduled to hold from November 4th to 5th 2022.

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