Help Others Receive God’s Blessing with Pastor Chris

Pastor Chris Oyakhilome has spent over three decades ministering the Word of God across the globe to billions of people.

As the President of LoveWorld Inc. and of Christ Embassy, he is also a man sent from God and a unique minister of the gospel of Jesus Christ, his Spirit-filled and anointed leadership continues to propel a dynamic, multifaceted, and global ministry.

As a pastor, teacher, healing minister, television host, and best-selling author, Pastor Chris daily exudes an insatiable passion to reach the peoples of the world with God’s manifested presence; a divine commission he has diligently focused on fulfilling for more than 30 years.

As a Christian, your spiritual growth is very important, and you can only grow by the Word. God’s Word is food for the human spirit.

When spiritual gifts are used correctly, God is glorified and the Church grows. Apply the gift of prophecy correctly and you’ll see quantum leaps and unending growth in your life, ministry, and church.

The three different kinds of meetings with Pastor Chris

There are different kinds of meetings with Pastor Chris; some evangelical outreaches, some teaching, and some healing meetings. These have been held across several continents, in nations such as the United States, South Africa, Nigeria, the United Kingdom, and Canada. Millions have gathered in each of these meetings, as the Word of God is spread across the world.

Evangelical Outreaches with Pastor Chris

In today’s Rhapsody of Realities Pastor Chris Oyakhilome teaches us to use the gift of prophecy correctly.

Every one of us could have the gift of prophecy, and if we had enough time during a church service, the whole congregation could prophesy one by one. This is specifically about the gift of prophecy. Then, He tells us what this gift of prophecy is used for; edification, exhortation, and comfort. It’s never used for condemnation.

Only God’s Word deserves to have global reach and penetration, and Rhapsody of Realities is at the forefront of taking it to the ends of the earth; into every city, town, and village, accountably through the “ReachOut World” initiative.

There is a great urgency to reach all men everywhere with the Gospel of Jesus Christ in these last days. In His passionate pursuit of souls, the Lord has taken away every limit, mandating us to reach and disciple 7 billion people with His divine message. Through ReachOut World, you can be involved in the dissemination of God’s Word to every street in every city in every nation through Rhapsody of Realities.

“We will make the dream of the Master fulfilled through us and He has given us everything required to make it happen. I am with you always to the ends of the earth!” – Pastor Chris

Teaching Meetings with Pastor Chris

Driven by a passion to see men and women all over the world come to the knowledge of the divine life made available in Christ Jesus, Pastor Chris has helped millions experience a victorious and purposeful life in God’s Word. Presiding over an ever-widening network of Christ Embassy Churches and LoveWorld Campus fellowships spanning all continents, his teaching ministry is building faith in the hearts of many in the body of Christ, providing each one with divine insight into Christin virtues and realities.

Healing Meetings with Pastor Chris

The world-renowned Healing School of Christ Embassy is the healing ministry of Pastor Chris, committed to taking healing to the nations and manifesting the healing works of Jesus Christ in our world today. The healing ministry of Pastor Chris has helped many receive healing through the diverse operations of the gifts of the Spirit, making them well and restoring them to a state of complete soundness.

Coming up in November is the 3rd edition of the Healing Streams Live Healing Services with Pastor Chris this year. Last year we saw three editions of the popular program too. In the past, we have seen a record-breaking 7 billion people participate worldwide in the Healing Streams with Pastor Chris. This is proof that the world is looking for healing. Hopeless cases are turning to the power of prayer for help and comfort. Our Man of God, Pastor Chris is facilitating the call for miracles through his ministering and healing power.

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