Welcome to the ‘Month of Formations’ with Pastor Chris

Pastor Chris Oyakhilome declared March to be the ‘Month of Formations‘ at Global Communion Service on Sunday. In front of the global audience, he said: “In the realms of the spirit we are having military formations. God is organizing us…”

“In the spirit, I saw armies of the lord and the lord said this month is the month of formations Formation is the arrangement of people or things in units for a definite purpose.”

The Man of God continued to say: “We are about to consume and destroy those things that the antichrist spirits are planning around the world.”

Pastor Chris Oyakhilome declared March to be the ‘Month of Formations’ at Global Communion Service on Sunday.

From conglutination to formations

Pastor Chris steered the global congregation from a season of conglutination into a period of formations.

Defining formations as the arrangement of people or things to form a unit or unity for a definite purpose, is the act of forming or establishing something. The man of God recounted seeing the armies of God marching forward in a spiritual vision granted to him by the Lord. Things are going on. We came together in February and in March, we are getting organized.  Something is happening in the spirit.

Reading from Isaiah 10:17: “The Assyrian is the spiritual depiction of the Antichrist. Remember we are the light of the world, and he is saying our light will not just brighten but become a fire; we are about to consume and destroy those things that the Antichrist spirit is doing around the world. I told you about the things they are doing around the world. But we are the fire, and they are the shaft. I saw armies marching in the spirit.”

Pastor Chris expanded on that saying that as the light of the world, God’s children are rightly aligned to bring to naught the plots of Satan and his cohorts on earth. “We are about to consume and destroy those things that the Anti-Christ spirit has planted around the world,” Pastor Chris highlighted, as he ministered in the fullness of the Spirit.

After revealing the Word of the Month, Pastor Chris began a prayer session for the participants. The saints thanked the Lord for this timely course of direction, as they deployed their God-designed and fabricated weapons in prayer to neutralize all the works of darkness in the nations of the world.

“We have spiritual weapons…”

During the prayer session, Pastor Chris read from 2 Corinthians 10:3: “God designed weapons with which to pull frown strongholds.” The Man of God explained: “We have such spiritual weapons that are mightily effective. All the works of darkness, of deception in the Nations of the world. Doesn’t matter what forces are behind them; doesn’t matter that they use the media…

The lying tongue is only for a short time. The lying tongue cannot be successful. In the day of the church when the spirit of truth is poured out on us around the world, the power of deception cannot prevail. We live and function by the spirit of truth and we are releasing truth to all Nations and deception cannot stand against this power of truth.”

Pastor Chris promised the global audience: “The day of deception will come when the whole world will be deceived, but that day is not today. This is the day of the church and we insist on it in the name of Jesus. We have overcome the world. This is God’s  truth.”

Pastor Chris continued to read from the Bible:

John 16:7-14 “The Holy Ghost carries out His work of conviction on the Nations and he will convince them of truth (John 16:7-14). In Acts 2, the Holy Ghost came in full force to begin his ministry and He has been here ever since to guide men into all truth.

Pastor Chris announces a new season of God’s Word

Pastor Chris announced that we will be celebrating a new 3-day “Word diet” on all LoveWorld Networks and internet platforms. A new season of Your LoveWorld Specials with Pastor Chris will begin on Wednesday, March 6th to Friday, March 8th, 2024, from 7:00 pm (GMT+1).

This will be Season 9, Phase 2 of the impactful fellowship with God which will be beamed live in all languages. Pastor Chirs will expose all of Satan’s work and global conspiracies. The 3-day event will be full of unforgettable moments and spirited worship led by the wonderful LoveWorld singers.

In today’s current climate, when the world is dealing with challenges including food shortage, insecurity, deception, and other negativities, the teachings of Pastor Chris have become a haven for all.

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