Whenever we read about Pastor Chris Oyakhilome’s biography, we read about his humanitarian philanthropic side as well. Pastor Chris founded the Chris Oyakhilome Foundation International (COFI) in 2008 as a faith-based, non-governmental, non-political organization, to help indigent children and their families who seem to have been forgotten by the rest of the world. COFI has various partners under its umbrella, one of which is the InnerCity Mission (ICM).
Believing in the future of indigent children and taking action to reach and meet their needs, is the core of our values at the Chris Oyakhilome Foundation International (COFI) and the InnerCity Mission (ICM).
Pastor Chris offers structured support for impoverished children across the world in order to guarantee access to qualitative education, medical care, and physical and spiritual nourishment thus enabling them to lead normal, competitive, and useful lives in their communities and society.

“Every child is your child,” says Pastor Chris
The Man of God made a profound statement in 2004 when he said:
“Remember, every child is your child! Help children, don’t ignore children. They are our extension; they are our future. No matter how dirty or untouchable they are, think again. You were just that small one day, but you were fortunate to have someone help you. Many of these are fortunate to have us if we would only open our hearts, our minds, and our eyes and ignore them no more. We need to help give them a home, we need to help educate them, we need to help clothe them. As small as they are, as needy as they are, as frustrated as they are, they have dreams. We can help make those dreams come true!”
“One Billion Meals” Campaign
This week we saw the launch of a new campaign called “One Billion Meals”, where we heard from the Highly Esteemed Chairman of the InnerCity Mission, Reverend Tom Amenkhienan, who said in his opening address to the public:
“The One Billion Meal Campaign is a God idea, so while evil men plot their wicked agenda to create an artificial food scarcity, suffering, violence, and death, The InnerCity Mission and partners would through this campaign, channel God’s goodness, unfailing love and his infinite abundance to the indigent.”
Reverend Tom Amenkhienan continued to say: “The One Billion Meals Campaign is an answer to your heart’s cry. You have been looking for how to serve God, you have been looking for how to serve others; The One billion meals campaign is the answer! …and as you go on, some of you will find out that you can sponsor 1 million meals, 1 thousand meals, or even just a meal, and you will make the difference when you fill a hungry stomach.”
The Esteemed Director of the InnerCity Mission, the Esteemed Pastor Omoh Alabi in her welcome speech said:
“They say hunger is the world’s most solvable problem and through the One Billion Meals campaign, we would be showing the world how to solve the issue of hunger collectively and as individuals, in the name of Jesus, and this guarantees lasting impact.”
This campaign is a means through which we will get the gospel to the ends of the earth, wherever the indigent can be found. 1 Billion Meals, 1 Billion Souls, 1 Billion Praises to God! Support this campaign today by clicking here.