Let the Children Pray with the ‘Say Yes to Kids Pray-a-Thon’ with Pastor Chris

It is the first of its kind, a 24-hour Pray-a-Thon for all LoveWorld children all over the world! This month, the ‘Month of Joy‘, we are introducing the Say Yes to Kids Campaign. Pastor Chris Oyakhilome has taught from an early age that prayer is not man’s idea but God’s idea and the reason he wants us to pray is because He wants to answer.

Teaching children about God and prayer at an early age is an opportunity to nurture their spiritual growth, emotional well-being, and moral development. By introducing them to the concept of a higher power, we provide them with a sense of purpose, moral guidance, and emotional support. As parents and caregivers, we play a crucial role in fostering an environment where their spiritual curiosity is encouraged and respected. Embracing this aspect of their development will help children grow into compassionate, empathetic, and spiritually aware individuals, equipped to face life’s challenges with resilience and gratitude.

We learn from our Man of God, Pastor Chris: “All things have been made available to you in Christ; nothing in this life is too good for you. So, reach out by faith today and begin to enjoy your inheritance, for you’re the seed of Abraham, called to a life of power, glory, and virtue.”

Everything required for your success has already been provided by God. This means you don’t have to struggle in life, for everything concerning your success, health, and prosperity has been taken care of. You’ve entered God’s rest; you’re not called to suffer defeat in life.

Let the Children Pray with the ‘Say Yes to Kids Pray-a-Thon’ with Pastor Chris Oyakhilome.

Let the Children Pray

There’s a move of the Spirit in the lives of children around the world. Children are taking their place in the agenda of God’s timetable. Pray for the children and Pray with the children. Something amazing is coming up. The 24-hour pray-a-thon is starting at 6:00 pm (GMT+1) on Friday the 21st of July until Saturday the 22nd of July 2023. We are aiming at reaching 1.9 billion children all over the world.

Praying and being thankful to God for blessings helps children develop a sense of gratitude. It also encourages humility as they realize that there are forces beyond their control that shape their lives. This gratitude and humility can contribute to the development of a balanced and grounded personality.

The Bible says anyone who asks receives. Understand that God doesn’t withhold good things from His children, and we need to teach our children how to access the Word of God.

Understanding the concept of God gives children a broader perspective on life and the universe. It introduces questions about the purpose of existence and helps them find meaning beyond the material world. This understanding can be a source of comfort, strength, and resilience as they navigate life’s challenges.

Learning to pray allows children to express their feelings and emotions in a safe and non-judgmental space. Prayer can become a source of comfort and reassurance during times of distress or uncertainty. It teaches children that they are not alone and that they can find solace in their spiritual connection with God.

All things have been made available to you in Christ; nothing in this life is too good for you. So, reach out by faith today and begin to enjoy your inheritance, for you’re the seed of Abraham, called to a life of power, glory, and virtue.

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