Festival of Miracles: What Happens after the Healing Streams with Pastor Chris

The Festival of Miracles is designed to showcase the most inspiring, beautiful testimonies of the wonders of God’s love and kindness towards mankind. It is a rejoicing and thanksgiving of all the beautiful gifts we received from God in the form of healing and salvation with Pastor Chris Oyakhilome.

The impact of the Healing Streams Live Healing Services was so great and completely life-changing, with billions of people participating in thousands of languages of the world with a large percentage of them receiving healing, miracles, salvation, and answers to prayers.

Festival of Miracles: What Happens after the Healing Streams Live Healing Services with Pastor Chris Oyakhilome.

Record-breaking participation at the Healing Streams

The program hit a world record as it was translated into 8,130 languages, making it the first of such in human history, with a global participation of 6.9 billion people who logged in and were connected to the program.

The Festival of Miracles is being broadcast on Healing Streams TV and features faith-stirring testimonies from several people all around the world.

This is the 8th season of the Festival of Miracles. It started on Monday the 30th of October straight after the conclusion of the Healing Streams Live Healing Services with Pastor Chris, and will continue until Sunday, 12 November 2023. From Monday to Thursday the program airs at 12:00 p.m. & 6:00 p.m. (GMT+1), and Friday to Sunday from 12:00 p.m. & 4:00 p.m. (GMT+1).

Many beneficiaries of the Healing Ministry of Pastor Chris will testify of God’s goodness and how they have been healed from a large variety of diseases and ailments such as cancer, blindness, deafness, paralysis, as well as mental and spiritual illnesses.

Unending flow of miracles

You will be able to see many wonderful and victorious testimonies at the Festival of Miracles, where the unending flow of healing will inspire you.

During the Healing Streams Live Healing Services with Pastor Chris, the presence of God enveloped the atmosphere, paving the way for countless supernatural encounters and unmistakable demonstrations of God’s mighty hand at work.

Pastor Chris tells us that many of God’s people agree that God has blessed them, but they need to catch the revelation that they’re the personification of a blessing! He tells them: “You’re a bundle of blessings! Make up your mind to live up to your calling. You’re full of the blessings of God. There’s no blessing in this world or in heaven that you should be asking God for because all things are yours (1 Corinthians 3:21). You ought to be basking in superabundance! Others who come in contact with you should partake of the goodness of God in your life.”

Testimonies that inspired the nations of the world

Yesus from Mexico had been involved in an accident thirty-eight years ago, that rendered him unable to walk. During the live services, he experienced remarkable healing, receiving strength in his limbs as he participated in a Healing Center, marking the end of a long-standing health struggle.

In Malaysia, Evans who had battled migraines and pains in his right eye, which led to loss of vision in that eye, encountered a profound healing moment. As he followed the guidance of the Holy Spirit, Evans was instantly freed from this condition, receiving perfect vision in his right eye.

Pastor Chris highlighted the true definition of Christianity by saying: “Christianity is Christ in you. True Christianity is a relationship; not a religion.” Pastor Chris urged the viewers to walk and live in that glory every day as this glory repels sickness, reproach, failure, poverty, and hardship!

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