Pastor Chris Oyakhilome just declared June once again the ‘Month of Prayer‘. He told the audience, “In this month of prayer, you’re going to make progress. You’re going to win and win and win.”
This announcement was made during the recently concluded June Global Communion Service on Sunday, June 2nd. As is customary in the LoveWorld nation, Pastor Chris emphasized the unique significance of this month. “Of course we pray every day, week and month but the month of June is specially set aside for prayer,” he reminded the congregation. This special focus on prayer underscores its vital role in the kingdom of God.

The Power of Prayer
During his sermon at the Global Communion Service, Pastor Chris delved into the prophetic words of Isaiah 53:1-10. He explained that the Church is the seed of Christ, meant to prolong His days on earth. The Church, as the body of Christ, continues the works of Jesus. This aligns with Jesus’ words in John 14:12, where He said that those who believe in Him will continue His works. “Prayer becomes our way of carrying on the works of the Master,” Pastor Chris elaborated, emphasizing the importance of prayer in fulfilling this divine mandate.
Pastor Chris also read from 1 Corinthians 3: 21-22, highlighting a profound truth about real Christianity. He explained that there is hardly anything a true Christian would need to pray for concerning themselves. In Christ, all needs have already been provided for. The key for Christians is to learn how to use the Word to appropriate for themselves whatever they desire. This understanding shifts the focus of prayer from personal needs to a broader, more impactful purpose.
“This month you are going to win and win and win…”
Prophetically, Pastor Chris declared, “This month, you’re going to win and win and win. The glory of God will be manifested in your life and through you.” This powerful declaration sets the tone for June, filling the hearts of LoveWorld citizens with faith and expectation. The month of prayer is not just about personal victories but also about being a conduit for God’s glory to be revealed in the world.
The emphasis on prayer this month is a call to action for all LoveWorld citizens. It is an invitation to deepen their relationship with God through dedicated prayer. It is also a reminder that prayer is a powerful tool for manifesting God’s glory and continuing the works of Jesus. Pastor Chris’ teachings encourage believers to see prayer as a means of aligning with God’s will and purpose.
As we embark on this month of prayer, it is essential to remember the words of Pastor Chris. His declaration that we will win and win and win is not just a hopeful statement but a prophetic assurance. This assurance is rooted in the understanding that through prayer, we connect with God’s unlimited power and grace. By doing so, we position ourselves to experience His glory in unprecedented ways.
Embrace the ‘Month of Prayer’ with Pastor Chris
Congratulations to all LoveWorld citizens as we welcome June, the ‘Month of Prayer’. Let us embrace this opportunity to pray fervently, align ourselves with God’s will, and expect to see His glory manifested in our lives and through us. As we commit to prayer, let us do so with the confidence that we are continuing the works of Jesus, impacting the world around us, and experiencing divine victories.
In conclusion, the Month of Prayer is a sacred time set apart for deepening our spiritual walk and experiencing God’s glory. Pastor Chris’ prophetic words inspire us to engage in prayer with renewed vigor and expectation. As we pray, let us remember that we are part of a larger mission, continuing the works of Christ and revealing His glory to the world. This June, let us pray, win, and witness the transformative power of God in our lives.