Yesterday saw the commencement of a special 5 day series of ‘Your LoveWorld Praise-a-thon with Pastor Chris and Pastor Benny Hinn’. It is broadcast live daily on all LoveWorld networks and other platforms. The 3 hour session included other seasoned ministers of the Gospel, sharing God’s Word and testimony. Throughout the week they will be joined by Bishop Clarence McClendon, Bishop James Payne, Dr. Richard Roberts, and Pastor Dan Willis.
This praise-a-thon comes at a time when the world has been dealt a lethal blow with the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic, causing enormous and devastating socio-economic ruin, crumbling the economies of nations with massive loss of jobs and businesses, rendering many hopeless and unemployed, God’s Word is the only true solution.
“God will take care of you miraculously if you focus on the gospel. It’s impossible to fail when you love the gospel”, said Pastor Benny Hill, who went on to say that ”Our Economic heritage is much greater than just paying our bills”, he reinforced, ”Your economic destiny is tied to the Gospel.”
”Stop worrying about the needs in your life, the God we serve is able to do exceeding abundantly, above all we may think or ask. Miracles happen when we act,” confirmed the pastor, ”It is impossible to fail when you truly love Jesus,” he went on to tell the global audience. ”The first and most important principle is to believe what God said,” ”We are here to get the Church ready for the coming of the Lord; we are here because we adore this Jesus,” Pastor Benny continued to testify to God’s supernatural deliverance.
“Good ground is not always the right ground. Good soil is not always the right soil. Christian television is not only good soil but the right soil”, Bishop James Payne proclaimed. ”The moment you sowed that seed, it started a supernatural process.”
Dr. Richard Robert confirmed these words by saying, “Your seed doesn’t take no for an answer!” He continued, saying “Your seed is the beginning of your expectation.”

The Importance of Prayer
“If you pray and listen to God, the prophetic Word will come to your Spirit.” Confided our Man of God, Pastor Chris Oyakhilome.
“Life is a gift, and a calling from God. Everything in life, including the world around you, was created for your benefit. All you need to enjoy life to the full is to be yourself and stay in God’s Word. Jesus said, “…I came that they may have and enjoy life, and have it in abundance (to the full, till it overflows)” (John 10:10).”
“God has richly given you all things to enjoy. 2 Peter 1:3 says, “According as his divine power hath given unto us all things that pertain unto life and godliness, through the knowledge of him that hath called us to glory and virtue.” Enjoy your life to the full; everything you require to that effect has been given to you”, Pastor Chris promised in today’s daily devotional, Rhapsody of Realities.

Month of Recovery
Our Man of God said, “this month is going to be a very special month. Thank God for his love, his grace, his kindness, and for the amazing ministry of the Holy Spirit that we have been receiving”, and he emphasized that a stronger power will be available during the month of August. We have started to see the global impact and experience all the incredible results of our prayers and blessings with Pastor Chris during this Month of Recovery, with the initiatives and partnerships of the Chris Oyakhilome Foundation International (COFI).

COFI partnering together with the InnerCity Mission (ICM) has done remarkable work this month. Among other humanitarian efforts, COFI has started ‘Education in Emergency‘ initiative aimed at providing learning for vulnerable children who are at risk of falling far behind in their learning or may never return to school due to the effect of the COVID-19 crisis.
Street children, orphans and children from poor or low-income families are deprived of essential necessities such as education and are at risk of inheriting poverty due to economic pressures. This campaign is aimed to help take education to needy children who cannot afford online learning at this time. You can take this opportunity to sponsor a child today:

Another successful campaign of InnerCity Mission, under the auspices of COFI was an emergency food relief intervention for ‘Pastors in Dire Need’. COFI embarked on a Global Emergency Relief Aid in the midst of the coronavirus pandemic as nobody could have foreseen it’s devastating effects. The collection of the food and supplies was distributed to thousands of affected families and reached over 300,000 families and households across Nigeria and many more in several other countries around the world, including the United Kingdom, Uganda and India.
After the enormous success of Phase 1, Pastor Chris called for further humanitarian action and embarked on another phase by saying: ”Let’s do it one more time, let’s do it again. I think we should because- why what we did is a seed to begin, I think if we do one more time it will help many more of them come out of the situation in which they found themselves; and remember no one else is going to do it, its God’s people. God relies on His own people to do His works, so He is relying on us to care”. This relief aid is expanding rapidly across 164 locations around the world and these generous efforts have greatly alleviated the plight of religious leaders adversely affected by the COVID-19 pandemic.

At the beginning of the month, following the devastating explosions in Beirut where many casualties and deaths occurred, the InnerCity Mission Relief Mission in Lebanon, under the COFI umbrella, offered prayer and charitable services in a campaign to ‘Pray for Beirut‘. Large parts of Lebanon’s capital city were torn apart by the explosion, more than 300 000 people were displaced from their homes and over 6000 casualties were left in critical condition and 180 people died. Prayers continue for Beirut as it begins a long journey of recovery.
“Then your light will break out like the dawn, And your recovery will speedily spring forth; And your righteousness will go before you; The glory of the LORD will be your rear guard.” Isaiah 58:8

Join in Prayer Today
Get ready for a time of transformation as we head towards the end of the Month of Recovery. Participate in this special praise-a-thon poised to bring you God’s timely Word which is able to build you up and deliver to you, your inheritance in Christ. The broadcast will continue live until Friday 28th of August. Tune in to any LoveWorld TV station or log on to
Monday, August 24th: |6:00PM CDT||12:00AM GMT+1||1:00AM GMT+2|
Tuesday, August 25th – Friday, August 28th: |12:00PM CDT||6:00PM GMT+1||7:00PM GMT+2|.
#YourLoveWorldwithPastorChris #LoveWorldNews #PastorChrislive#MonthOfRecovery