Yesterday was the October Global Communion Service with the Man of God, Pastor Chris Oyakhilome. He declared October to be the ‘Month of Insight’ saying, “It’s God’s desire to reveal mysteries to you.”
“This month, you’re going to have insights into mysteries and secrets,” Pastor Chris told the global audience who were watching from all over the world, as the program was broadcast live on all LoveWorld networks and platforms.
Pastor Chris explained while reading from Ephesians 1:17, that it is God’s purpose to provide profound understanding and insight of divine truths.
“It’s God’s joy and will to reveal mysteries to you,” he added, emphasizing the importance of this kind of knowledge. You can understand the mysteries of the kingdom of God, Pastor Chris remarked, urging the global audience to take advantage of this truth and act on it throughout the month. He encouraged everyone to walk in profound insight in all areas of our lives.
Another Month of Insight
Pastor Chris Oyakhilome also declared November 2022 to be the ‘Month of Insight‘ saying, “This month, you’re going to see the deep things of God like you never knew before.”
Pastor Chris unveiled God’s plan back in November 2022, reading from Isaiah 45:1-3. He used the example of Jesus’ intervention after His disciples had tried all night to fish but didn’t catch anything, Pastor Chris revealed that at the instruction of the master, the disciples had the ‘catch’ of their life because Jesus had insight and knew exactly what should be done.
This month we are hoping to gain insight and clarity into God’s plans for His children.

What is in store this ‘Month of Insight’?
We are preparing for the next edition of the Healing Streams Live Healing Services with Pastor Chris. This will be the 9th edition of the highly successful healing crusade, which has changed the course of many lives around the world.
These healing crusades have shown us the importance and power of prayer, as we have witnessed thousands of testimonies from all over the world.
Bolor Maa from Mongolia was diagnosed with psoriasis in 2012. The symptoms included itchiness, flakiness, dry skin, and rashes. She was prescribed medication, but her condition deteriorated. She felt totally helpless and hopeless, and it was at this low point in her life that she heard about the Healing Streams Live Healing Services with Pastor Chris. She registered for the free online program, where the Man of God ministered to her on the virtual healing platform. This divine encounter changed her life forever, and today she is completely healed.
Another testimony comes from Charity, who after a tragic accident in April 2023, was left in excruciating pain. Her right and left pelvis, ankles, and wrists were all affected. A pelvic compression belt, ankle belt, and lumbar corset were prescribed to improve her joint and upper body stability. The pain was truly unbearable. During the July Healing Streams Live Healing Services with Pastor Chris, she experienced a divine turnaround when the Man of God ministered to her on the live screen. Today, Charity is totally different, pain-free, and full of energy.
Don’t miss the opportunity for you and your loved ones to experience your miracle. You can register online today.
Watch the video below when Pastor Chris explains the ‘Month of Insight’ to the global congregation.