Our Man of God, Pastor Chris Oyakhilome announced at the recent December Global Communion Service that this month will once again be the ‘Month of Thanksgiving’.
Pastor Chris reminded us that we will be thanking God throughout the month, saying: “We are going to be thanking God throughout the month but we’ll also appoint specific days for special thanksgiving services.” The Man of God urged the audience to take advantage of the definite days appointed for special annual thanksgivings as shown in scripture, and express lavish thanksgiving to God for His faithfulness to His people this year, the ‘Year of the Gathering Clouds’, 2022.

Thanksgiving in the ‘Year of Preparation’, 2021
Pastor Chris Oyakhilome told the global audience at the December Communion Service last year that we should give thanks for the myriad of blessings bestowed upon us and the many still to come.
Like in previous years in the LoveWorld nation, he named December the ‘Month of Thanksgiving’, and he urged the saints to be full of thanksgiving as he said: “The Church of Jesus Christ is given authority in this age to glorify God through Jesus Christ, and for this, we must be thankful.”
The previous year, 2020, our Man of God explained the difference between giving thanks and the theme of December, thanksgiving.
“Giving thanks and thanksgiving are not the same. You have to know that they are not the same. Giving thanks is thanking the Lord, expressing your appreciation… Thanksgiving is a term that you find in the Old Testament, it is revealed to us in the Old Testament,” Chris Oyakhilome said.
“It is different from thanking God… Thanksgiving is a term that is applied to a ceremony, and it is a special right in which you have the combination of the following: worship, confessions, sacrifices of praise, and with the thanksgiving offering… It is always accompanied by a thanksgiving offering. So, it is all put together. You read it all the way from the Old Testament,” the famous pastor explained.
Thanksgiving in the ‘Year of Perfection’, 2020
Pastor Chris confessed at the December 2020 Global Communion Service that December was easy to predict considering where we are in God’s calendar. The Scriptures were given to us for a reason, for instruction in righteousness, like God’s manual for life. You can’t live this life without the Word of God.
“God wants us to distinguish ourselves by praying. He went on to say that we didn’t go this far to give up or lose what God gave us. What we have cost too much. We will believe like anybody ever believed in the Bible and pray like anybody ever prayed! We will not bend, and we will not break, we have come to a climatic period, and it is at that point that you know there is no turning back” Pastor Chris announced.
All these scriptures have led Pastor Chris to declare December to be the ‘Month of Thanksgiving’. “We will rejoice in front of the Lord and proclaim His victory, His glory and His name. No one will stop us; the Church will glow in glory in 2021 when we will get ready for angelic visitations.”
So much to be Thankful for:
Pastor Chris’ Birthday
The 7th of December is a special day when we celebrate the birthday of our beloved Man of God. In honor of Pastor Chris we are holding a special Day of Prayer as part of the celebration of our President, a 24-hour non-stop prayer chain for our man of God, beginning Midnight Dec. 6th through to midnight Dec. 7th.
To honor Pastor Chris, his congregation is also celebrating the LoveWorld International Day of Service for the 9th time, which aims at winning souls for Christ. This year the community services began on Wednesday the 30th of November and will continue until his birthday on the 7th of December.
Pastor Biodun Lawal, regional pastor for Christ Embassy in Accra, Ghana, told Citi News:
“As a people, we have been raised in a culture of service, and we know the value of investing in someone else’s life to the end that they may be saved. The LoveWorld International Day of Service is a God-given opportunity to give someone’s life meaning.”
Visit www.prayingforpastorchris.com for more information. What an honor to pray for our father. Ensure you participate. As you pray, take pictures and post of kingsChat using the hashtags #Dec7 #PrayforPastorChris
Rhapsody of Realities Hits 7858 language translations
Pastor Chris remarked that: “In 2022, we will have Rhapsody of Realities in every language.. Everything we require is made available to us including all those whom He has earmarked… They’ll come from everywhere. This year 2022, we will do it!”
And we did it! Rhapsody of Realities Officially Hit 7858 Language Translations. It’s a goal for Jesus.