The Healing Streams Live Healing Services with Pastor Chris is an online program that brings divine healing to everyone that requires healing for their bodies. This will be Pastor Chris Oyakhilome’s third event of the year. The July Healing Streams Live Healing Services exceeded all expectations, reeling in millions of global viewers around the world. Following the enormous success of the Healing School’s March session, which was the largest healing crusade ever to take place with the Man of God, receiving over 4.1 billion unique logins, streamed in over 1000 languages, Pastor Chris Oyakhilome, will be holding another session this month. The program will be broadcast live on all LoveWorld networks from Friday, October 29th until Sunday, October 31st.
The Healing Streams Live Healing Services with Pastor Chris is designed by Ministers of the Gospel and expresses God’s love, unfailing grace, the compassion of Jesus, and the healing power in the Name of Jesus. Being healed by the power of the Holy Spirit now is possible with the Healing Streams Live Healing Services with Pastor Chris.
You can join billions of Healing School prayer partners all over the world at the October Healing School Online Prayer Conference. This online prayer program is a 24-hour non-stop prayer in preparation for the October edition of the Healing Streams Live Healing Services with Pastor Chris.
This life-transforming prayer program also provides a unique opportunity to make an investment through prayer, as we partner with the Lord in orchestrating His will and purposes over the nations of the world. It’s a time to reorder the courses of things, especially now that we are anticipating the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ.
The Scriptures came to life, as God’s healing power flowed from the temple, bringing life, hope, and healing to people all over the globe, where the world was enveloped in an overflow of the supernatural. The program was one unending episode of praise and exultation.
With people participating in their homes, as well as hospitals, offices, and various other places in villages, towns, cities, and nations, the stage was set for an experience that would be beyond ordinary. Before the start of the epochal program, there was high anticipation across the nations for the advent of miracles. Individuals, church groups, organizations, and many more readied themselves and others by spreading the word and creating healing centers so that all could partake of this inimitable grace.
Miraculous accounts abound in God’s Word that shows us that, no matter how impossible the situation seems, change is possible! There’s no situation so hopeless God cannot change it!
The Church of Christ has a role to play in reaching out to souls and liberating the sick, especially in these last days of the Church of Christ!
Spread Faith Campaign
Through the Spread Faith Campaign, thousands who have come in contact with this strategic tool for evangelism, Healing to the Nations Magazine, have taken advantage of it to shine the light of Christ’s glorious Gospel around the world. The testimonies recorded from the magazine in all nations and territories of the world speak of tremendous blessing to lives and restoration to the sick.
“And this gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in all the world for a witness unto all nations; and then shall the end come” (Matthew 24:14).
Members of the Healing School Cyber Church are committed to spreading the Gospel of Christ and taking healing and restoration through God’s Word to millions around the world.
In the course of this remarkable outreach, they spread faith, God’s love, and His transforming power with Healing to the Nations Magazine, bringing hope to many in dire needs. Several of the people heard the Gospel of Christ for the first time and therefore had their hearts illuminated and renewed by God’s Word. As a result, several of them gave their hearts to Christ and made commitments to be involved in care group activities hosted by the team. Some who needed healing also received wholeness and soundness of minds as they were ministered to. Glory to God!
The team of the Healing School Cyber Church continues to shine as a light to their world, making famous the glory and Name of the Lord.

Seeing is Believing
It was certainly an avalanche of healing miracles as the power of God was directed into every home, addressing every abnormality, disease, and infirmity of the body. All over the world, the audience participated live and constantly sent in prayer requests and healing testimonies.
Live testimonies and miracles were witnessed from all corners of the earth on every day of the Healing Streams Healing Services.
The man of God ministered healing to the sick with compassion and firm determination. First, he attended to a few who were present in the auditorium. Next, he ministered to some who were participating at home, in hospitals, and other places via video conference. Then, he instructed the audience to place their hands wherever they needed healing as he prayed, declaring all infirmities healed and every disease gone, casting out demons of affliction, and pronouncing wholeness to all.
Instantaneous miracles restored peace and joy to many, giving cause for much celebration and rejoicing in families and communities across thousands of cities in every nation across the globe. Exhilarating shouts of joy and victory celebrations earmarked every place where people were participating in the program.
Take Action Today
Are you sick in your body? Do you know anyone who is? This is that opportunity you can’t afford to miss. Clear your schedule now and invite someone to register and participate too. Register now and receive a free gift from Pastor Chris.
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