At the New Year’s Eve Service on December 31, 2023, Pastor Chris Oyakhilome proclaimed 2024 to be the Year of Redemption, igniting hope and anticipation among millions worldwide. This divine declaration set the tone for a year of spiritual awakening, restoration, and fulfillment. Throughout the months that followed, the LoveWorld nation experienced an extraordinary journey of grace and purpose, with each month carrying a unique theme that further illuminated the path of redemption. Let’s revisit the highlights of this remarkable year.
The year began with clarity and purpose as Pastor Chris emphasized the importance of seeing with the eyes of the Spirit, urging believers to focus on God’s redemptive plan for their lives. Through special prayer sessions and teachings, many testified to receiving divine direction and insights that set the course for a fruitful year.

February: The Month of Conglutination
February started the year as the Month of Conglutination. Pastor Chris expounded on the scripture, “It’s time to coalesce together around a vision and move together, a time to strive together for the faith of the Gospel (2 Timothy 2: 4-5, Philippians 1:27)”, encouraging believers to radiate God’s glory in every sphere of life. Testimonies poured in of individuals stepping into leadership roles, spreading hope, and illuminating their communities with the gospel.
March: The Month of Formations
March brought a renewed focus on faith, as Pastor Chris announced it to be the Month of Formations.
“In the spirit, I saw armies of the Lord and the Lord said this month is the Month of Formations. Formation is the arrangement of people or things in units for a definite purpose. In the realm of the spirit, we have military formations. We are about to consume and destroy those things that the antichrist spirits are planning around the world. We are the fire, and they are the shaft.” (Isaiah 10:17, 2; Corinthians 10:3), the Man of God explained that in February we conglutinated and in March we came together in formation just as God wanted us to.
April: The Month of Intercession
April was declared the Month of Intercession, a time to bask in the manifest presence of God. Pastor Chris highlighted the transformative power of beholding God’s glory and being changed into His image. From global communion services to special outreach programs, the month was filled with divine encounters that left many spiritually enriched.
“This month be moved by needs of others and intercede for them,” Pastor Chris admonished to the global audience. Pastor Chris delivered a poignant message, urging the community to be stirred by the needs of others and to engage fervently in intercession. “As believers, it is a time to transcend personal concerns and stand in the gap for those in need, both near and far. Throughout this month, let us unite in prayer, lifting up petitions for healing, restoration, and breakthroughs for individuals and nations worldwide”, Pastor Chris declared, saying: “let’s cultivate a spirit of empathy and compassion, as we intercede for the welfare and upliftment of humanity.”
May: The Month of Prophecy
“You are going to prophesy. God is going to put His Word in your mouth. You’re going to speak forth the Word, and it will come to pass,” Pastor Chris said to the global community.
In May, the emphasis shifted to living a life of prophecy. Pastor Chris taught that redemption empowers believers to reflect God’s perfection in their work, relationships, and service to Him.
June: The Month of Prayer
June ushered in the Month of Prayer, where believers were called to exercise their authority in Christ. Pastor Chris’ teachings on spiritual dominion inspired many to take bold steps of faith, reclaiming territories and advancing the kingdom of God in unprecedented ways.
July: The Month of Joy
Midway through the year, July’s declaration as the Month of Joy brought a profound sense of God’s unmerited favor. Pastor Chris shared, “It’s the joy of the Lord and expression of that joy is a sacrifice to the Lord,” as he shed light on the significance of the celebrations in the 7th month of the year in the LoveWorld nation. As is customary, Pastor Chris reiterated that God’s saints should organize themselves in their various Churches and groups to make merry, eating and drinking in the presence of the Lord all month long.
August: The Month of Great Grace
Pastor Chris encouraged believers to deepen their understanding of God’s favor and let it overflow into their communities. Many reported a fresh wave of blessings and opportunities.
“You’re going to walk in great grace, extraordinary things will happen in your life. Great grace is for special things. God’s attention is towards you to do you good and bless you in a special way. It’s His plan. And you say AMEN to it. That’s what you’re going to enjoy this month, embrace this declaration and experience the fullness of God’s great grace in every area of our lives!”, Pastor Chris prophetically declared.
September: The Month of Conquerors
September’s theme, the Month of Conquerors, inspired believers to walk in victory. Pastor Chris reminded everyone that through Christ, we are more than conquerors (Romans 8:37). This month featured powerful prayer sessions and testimonies of triumph over life’s challenges.
“Let your voice be heard in heaven and on earth. Speak for God, speak for freedom, speak for liberty,” Pastor Chris announced as he continued to say: “God is saying, where are my victors? Make your voice heard and known in heaven and on earth… Hallelujah” Pastor Chris also urged us to pray for those imprisoned for preaching the gospel and to boldly speak for God.
October: The Month of Excellence
As the year progressed, October’s declaration as the Month of Excellence reignited faith for the miraculous. Pastor Chris emphasized that “with God, all things are possible” (Matthew 19:26), urging believers to dream big and trust God’s limitless power. Healing Streams Live Healing Services, held this month, brought countless testimonies of divine healing and restoration.
“This Month of October is the Month of Excellence. You’re going to walk in excellence. Proverbs 8:6 There are people who use their lips for foolishness. Refuse! You have an excellent spirit,” Pastor Chris told the global audience when he made the proclamation. He continued to say: “There are some things that God never planned to be in your life. Don’t give vent to them. Learn to live in time and eternity at the same time. You have to learn and practice it. Discover your purpose in life. Discover who you are.”
November: The Month of Eagles
November, the Month of Eagles, called believers to soar to new heights. Drawing inspiration from Isaiah 40:31, Pastor Chris taught about renewing strength and mounting up with wings as eagles. This month saw a focus on spiritual growth and a commitment to reaching greater levels of impact.
This inspiration encouraged believers to embody the characteristics of eagles—strength, vision, and resilience—in their spiritual journey. Eagles possess exceptional vision, allowing them to see far and wide. This month, believers are urged to seek divine clarity and purpose. By aligning with God’s vision, one can navigate life’s path with precision, making decisions that reflect His will and purpose.
December: A Glorious Culmination in the Month of Thanksgiving
As the Year of Redemption draws to a close, December promises to be a time of thanksgiving and reflection. The global LoveWorld community eagerly anticipates the upcoming New Year’s Eve Service, where Pastor Chris will reveal the prophetic word for 2025.
A Year to Remember
The Year of Redemption has been full of divine encounters, spiritual growth, and life-transforming testimonies. From the vision imparted in January to the soaring heights of December, Pastor Chris Oyakhilome’s leadership has guided millions on a journey of faith and fulfillment. As we approach the year’s end, one thing is certain: 2024 will be remembered as a year of extraordinary grace and purpose.