Our Man of God, Pastor Chris Oyakhilome recently opened the 13th edition of ‘Your LoveWorld Praise-A-Thon’ by saying: “Praising God is the most important thing we can do for him. Whatever we give to God, He already owns it.”
There has been a common thread throughout this ‘Month of Possession‘ regarding praise. We look forward to the March Global Communion Service of the ‘Year of the Prolific Church‘.
“You can make anything on this Earth to give to God. He owns everything, but He calls us to praise him. The Bible tells us that there are different types of prayers, but the highest is the prayer of praise. What is praise?” he asked.
Pastor Chris has given us many words of wisdom and inspiration on the topic of praise: “Praise is a form of worship. Offering sacrifices of praise produces power! All your needs are met through the active power of God’s glory working inside you.”

The difference between praise and worship
Explaining this topic in a recent Rhapsody of Realities, Pastor Chris shared a verse from John 4:24: “God is a Spirit (a spiritual Being) and those who worship Him must worship Him in spirit and in truth (reality).”
He went on to tell a story, saying: “A young guy once asked me, “How come the Bible says in Psalm 150:6, “Let everything that has breath praise God, yet my puppy can’t praise and worship God as I do?” In my explanation to him, I said animals don’t have spirits and can’t worship God in spirit, as only humans can. God is a spirit; therefore, we can only worship Him and relate to Him from, and with, our spirits. This means not every living thing can worship Him.”
Pastor Chris continued: “There’s a clear difference between praise and worship. Praise requires no consciousness, but worship does. When you praise God, you thank Him and extol His majesty. However, in worship, much more than extolling Him, there’s a communion and relationship. It’s drinking together—a special kind of recognition between the “blesser” and the blessed, the greater and the lesser. The greater one receives the lesser one to His place. This is only possible with humans.”
“That’s why, for instance, we’re not permitted to worship angels. Though they’re great and powerful, God, in Christ Jesus, has raised us to the place of His Son, who’s higher than angels. We’re one with Christ, who’s greater than angels, and we’re therefore higher than angels. This is what the Bible teaches. As He (Jesus) is, so are we in this world (1 John 4:17).”
He concluded the devotional by saying: “We’re joint-heirs with Him: “The Spirit Himself bears witness with our spirit that we are children of God, and if children, then heirs; heirs of God and joint heirs with Christ…” (Romans 8:16-17). This doesn’t make us co-equal with Him, but it describes our inseparable union with Him (1 Corinthians 6:17). He’s the head, and we’re His body (Colossians 1:18). We’re in union with the Father.”
Lessons in praise from Pastor Chris
“When you praise the Lord from your heart in the beauty of holiness, the result is a divine explosion of glory. Praise and worship the Lord in the face of daunting challenges, and His glory will be manifested on your behalf.”
Pastor Chris teaches us that if you desire a miracle today, whatever it is, as an act of faith, set this matter before you, and begin to sing songs of praise in the spirit and also in your understanding again and again, as the spirit gives you utterance. He explains that by this act of faith, you’re invoking the power of God over the matter before you.
He expanded on the advice by adding: “You don’t have to say much. Don’t talk about the thing that’s been bothering you; keep your focus on the Lord, as you sing and dance to the Lord, chanting verses of praise to extol His majesty, the power of God will surge through your being. Don’t stop as the inspiration increases, speak in tongues again and again, until you have a note of victory.”
“No matter what the case is, such worship will be followed by the miraculous. Rather than feel downcast, helpless, or overwhelmed when you face challenges, employ the worship and praise strategy; the power of God’s Spirit will be stirred, and you’ll have a testimony.”