The First Half of the ‘Year of Redemption’ with Pastor Chris

At the Global New Year’s Eve Service, Pastor Chris declared 2024 the ‘Year of Redemption,’ setting the tone for a year of significant change and divine blessings. 

This declaration has been a guiding light for millions of believers around the world, shaping their spiritual journey and encouraging a deeper connection with their faith. As we reflect on the first half of this remarkable year, it is evident that the theme of redemption has resonated profoundly within the Christ Embassy community.

“This is the year that’ll bring tremendous changes. Make claims on the true blessings of Christ; make claims on what He gave you.” – Pastor Chris Oyakhilome 

The ‘Year of Redemption,’ as declared by Pastor Chris Oyakhilome for 2024, set the tone for a year of significant change and divine blessings. 

A Year of Redemption

Pastor Chris Oyakhilome’s New Year’s Eve Service set the tone for the year with powerful prophetic declarations. He emphasized that 2024 would be a year where the grace and power of God would manifest in unprecedented ways, bringing redemption to every aspect of believers’ lives. This declaration was not merely a statement but a call to action for the Christ Embassy members to embrace the transformative power of God’s love and redemption.

Each month in the ‘Year of Redemption’ has been marked by specific themes that have guided the Christ Embassy community on its spiritual journey. As Pastor Chris Oyakhilome declared, these monthly themes have provided a focused direction for prayer, reflection, and action.

February was declared the “Month of Conglutination,” emphasizing the importance of unity and aligning one’s life with God’s divine principles in a collective effort.

March brought the “Month of Formations,” inspiring members to claim and walk in the promises of God, focusing on spiritual readiness.

April was the “Month of Intercession,” a time to deepen spiritual understanding and wisdom and pray for others.

“This month, be moved by the needs of others and intercede for them.” – Pastor Chris Oyakhilome 

May, known as the “Month of Prophecy,” celebrated the triumphs of faith, speaking God’s Word into your life, while June, the “Month of Prayer,” saw a concerted effort in intercessory prayers and communion with God.

Each theme has been a building block, helping believers experience different facets of redemption and grow in their faith journey.

Accomplishments in the First Half of the Year of Redemption

Healing Streams Live Healing Services

One of the most significant highlights of the first half of the ‘Year of Redemption’ has been the Healing Streams Live Healing Services with Pastor Chris. These healing crusades have become a global phenomenon, drawing millions of participants from every corner of the world. During these services, Pastor Chris ministers healing to the sick, bringing hope and restoration to countless lives. Testimonies of miraculous healings have poured in, affirming the reality of God’s redeeming power.

Spiritual Growth and Empowerment

Throughout the first half of the year, Christ Embassy has organized numerous events and programs aimed at spiritual growth and empowerment. The LoveWorld Networks, including LoveWorld SAT, LoveWorld Plus, and LoveWorld USA, have been instrumental in broadcasting faith-filled content that inspires and uplifts. Teachings on redemption, faith, and the power of the Holy Spirit have equipped believers with the tools they need to navigate the challenges of life with confidence and assurance in God’s promises.

Outreach and Evangelism

The ‘Year of Redemption’ has also seen a renewed focus on outreach and evangelism. Christ Embassy members have taken the message of redemption beyond the church walls, reaching out to their communities with acts of kindness and the gospel of Jesus Christ. This spirit of evangelism has led to numerous salvation testimonies, with many people experiencing the life-changing power of God’s redeeming love.

Looking Ahead

The first half of the ‘Year of Redemption’ with Pastor Chris Oyakhilome and Christ Embassy has been a period of profound spiritual awakening and transformation. The theme of redemption has not only inspired believers but has also brought about tangible changes in their lives. As the year progresses, the Christ Embassy community looks forward to experiencing even greater heights of God’s redeeming grace and power.

As we move into the second half of the year, the excitement and anticipation within the Christ Embassy community continue to grow. Pastor Chris Oyakhilome has assured believers that there are even greater manifestations of God’s power and love to come. The focus remains on deepening one’s relationship with God, embracing His redeeming power, and sharing the message of redemption with the world.

Join the Man of God, Pastor Chris, for the July Global Communion Service on Sunday, 7th July at 3:00 pm (GMT+1), where he will reveal the new word of the month.

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