On Saturday, August 29th, 2020, hundreds of women from diverse backgrounds across Toronto gathered at Christ Embassy Don Valley to be part of the third edition of the special global women’s conference aptly tagged “The Bold & Beautiful Woman” organized by Pastor Gold Allen. The program was also streamed live to thousands of women on various social media platforms.
Ministering at the conference, Pastor Gold, enlightened the attendees on their purpose in Christ as bold and beautiful women. She shared key insights from the account of Deborah as recorded in Judges chapter 4, encouraging the women to recognize the inner beauty within their spirits.
She reminded the women of the need to live a life of boldness and faith, prophetically declaring that “God is raising women who will speak forth the Word to change the course of their nations for the glory of God, just like Deborah did”.

Women in Leadership Roles
Deborah was perhaps the strongest woman leader recorded in the Bible, she was a prophetess and a judge, being the only woman to judge Israel, proving that God chose women to serve in leadership roles too. She was loved and respected by men and women alike for her wise counsel and mediation dispensed under a tree known as the Palm of Deborah in the hill country of Ephraim. Deborah was a prophetess whom God used to speak to Israel. In all these tasks, she gave herself completely to being “a mother” to her people (Judges 5:7).
The program featured insightful teachings from guest pastors from Christ Embassy, Canada Region; Pastor Bunmi Olubode who shared on ‘Raising Godly Children’ and Pastor Yvonne Eba, Zonal Pastor, Quebec Zone, who expounded on the message at the conclusion of the Month of Recovery, ‘Pursue, Overtake and Recover All’. A special session on business insights anchored by a successful entrepreneur was featured. Inspiring spoken word presentation, drama skit, glorious testimonies and exhilarating music ministrations by Benestelle and the award winning LMAM (LoveWorld Music and Arts Ministry) Star, Rozey were also witnessed during the program.
Last year, at the second edition of the Global Women’s conference, Pastor Gold taught lessons learned from the accounts of inspiring women in the scriptures. She imparted the story of Sarah as recorded in Genesis 17:16 and Hebrews 11:11, as well as that of Mary in Luke 10:42 and encouraged the attendees to recognize the inner beauty within their spirits as the glory of God.
Pastor Gold charged the women to give themselves to diligent study of the Word and fellowship with the Holy Spirit as Mary did. She also urged them to give expression to the spirit of boldness they received and be determined to fulfill the purpose and calling of God for their lives. The attendees had their hearts stirred by these Spirit-filled words and many rejoiced with joy and praise to God. Pastor Gold ministered specially to women experiencing sickness or pain in their bodies, and many received their healing. She also gave an altar call, and many responded joyfully, giving their hearts to Christ.
The Bold and Beautiful Woman Conference was a glorious success and the lasting impact will no doubt be seen in the lives of the attendees in the months and years to come.
Get Ready for More Changes
You have been specially invited to participate in the Healing Streams Live Healing Services slated to hold from Friday, 18th to Sunday, 20th of September, 2020.
Register now to participate in the Healing Streams Live Healing Services by visiting https://healingstreams.tv/3days/dreg2.php