The ‘Month of Favour’ with Pastor Chris Oyakhilome is coming to an end, and we gear up for a new month, in the ‘Year of the Prolific Church’ beginning with the April Global Communion Service next Sunday, the 2nd of April from 3:00 pm (GMT+1).
On the 5th of March, we joined our Man of God, Pastor Chris Oyakhilome at the March Global Communion Service, where he declared March to be the ‘Month of Favour’.
“To walk with God, you have to walk with His timeline. You have to understand what God is thinking, and what God is doing and walk in sync with Him. What’s on God’s mind? Why are we here? He put us here for a reason. Our purpose is to establish the Kingdom of God on the earth,” Pastor Chris told the global audience.
“This month of March is the month of Favour, and you will walk in favour in the name of the Lord Jesus. You are surrounded by favour everywhere.”

Prolific prayers allowed for powerful change
3 days later we joined our Man of God for season 7 phase 2 of ‘Your LoveWorld Specials with Pastor Chris’.
“I want you to know today that your country is in a period where it can have the mercy and favour of God in abundance,” Pastor Chris told the huge global audience that logged in to participate.
Refreshing insights were laid bare, and Pastor Chris spoke of the truths of the overwhelming mercy of God which triumphs over judgment. He went on to say how blessed the nations are today to enjoy God’s favour like never before.
Tremendous power was made available for dynamic changes all around the world through daily prayers led by senior ministers of the LoveWorld nation.
Pastor Chris emphasized that God had a plan for all the nations of the world, which could be realized if His people would pray. In the insightful sessions, the man of God explained that the natural tendency of the world is for evil to take place because its systems are under the influence and dominion of Satan. So, if we do nothing, the natural process would go on, he remarked.
Miracles rained down with Pastor Chris
The following week, Friday the 17th we were treated to the 7th edition of the 3-day healing crusade, the Healing Streams Live Healing Services with Pastor Chris. This was the first Healing Streams program in the ‘Year of the Prolific Church’.
“I hope you’re getting ready for Healing Streams Live Healing Services for the month of March. It’s going to be a great one, it’s going to be big! Because so many around the world will be healed. Their lives changed forever,” Pastor Chris told the world, “Be the reason for someone else’s miracle! Join forces to take healing everywhere.”
Another beautiful testimony
We witnessed many miracles and testimonies of healing, one of which was from 9-year-old Teleios had an eye problem and experienced terrible symptoms. His eyes were swollen and itchy, and secreted discharges. He couldn’t see clearly and was behind at school as a result.
He was diagnosed with high myopia and doctors that medication couldn’t cure his eye defect. Eyeglasses were administered as the only treatment, and Teleios was going to have to use it indefinitely. Having heard about the Healing Streams Live Healing Services with Pastor Chris, Teleios’ mother considered the program as the only permanent fix for this terrible eye condition that plagued her dear son.
Mother and son participated in the Healing Services with Pastor Chris, and Teleios received healing on the second day. His eyes were perfected and now, he can see clearly, read, and catch up on all of his schoolwork.
Powerful Prayers
Almost a week later we were preparing for the 13th edition of the Global Day of Prayer.
This life-changing 24-hour program has brought so much hope and comfort to the world over the last few years since its maiden voyage in 2020.
Pastor Chris was joined by numerous senior ministers from the Ministry as well as God’s General, Pastor Benny Hinn. Back in 2020 when the first Global Day of Prayer was introduced, the Man of God said:
“There is too much suffering going on in our world because of ignorance that’s why He sent us to preach the Gospel.”
“We are not on our own, Jesus said he will not leave us comfortless. So we are not helpless by any standard. No evil can have power over us, nothing in this world,” Pastor Chris said as he reminded us that: “This is the purpose of the Global Day of Prayer: To draw upon the high powers of the Almighty.”
Pastor Chris encourages praise
Unending Praise began on the 27th of March, beginning a year-long round-the-clock chain of unending praise and worship to the Lord. Every 30 minutes of every hour of every day for a full year, we can join Pastor Chris in praising God.
The Man of God has given us many words of wisdom and inspiration on the topic of praise, saying: “Praise is a form of worship. Offering sacrifices of praise produces power! All your needs are met through the active power of God’s glory working inside you.”
ReachOut World Extravaganza with Pastor Chris
And now it is time to for the first ever Group Rhapsody Online Partners and Prayer Conference (GROPPC), which begins today, Tuesday, March 28 until the 4th of May, 2023. We are Proliferating Rhapsody in All Nations.
Over 700 Hours of Prayer, Prophecy, and extravagant Partnership with Rhapsody of Realities in all 7,858 languages on the Road to ReachOut World Live with Pastor Chris will be starting.
Engage with prayers for your City, Nation, and for the unstoppable spread of Rhapsody of Realities into every man’s world.