Rhapsody of Realities is also referred to as the “Messenger Angel” because it delivers messages of the Word of God daily.
Every single day people can get guidance and support from the message that is written for the day.
This daily devotional authored by Pastor Chris Oyakhilome, started in 2001 and brings a fresh perspective of God’s Word and enhances spiritual growth every single day.

The most effective evangelical tool
Rhapsody of Realities features, themes, messages, confessions and prayers, and Bible reading plan segments.
It is not only a daily devotional, but also used as a powerful evangelical tool by individuals, churches, and organizations all around the universe to spread the Word of God and be used for effective soul-winning, with millions of people receiving salvation with its divine message.
To date, this publication is the most translated and distributed publication in the history of the world, having been translated into 8123 living languages, essentially all the languages known to man. Not only that, but it is also available in braille and on audio for the seeing and hearing impaired, to ensure that nobody is left behind in this outreach campaign.
Gospel carnivals for the nations of the world
ReachOut Campaigns is a movement that began in 2007 with the purpose of reaching every person in their own language through the free distribution of Rhapsody of Realities. These ReachOut Campaigns are the largest Gospel carnivals in the world celebrating the Word of God all around the world.
The “ReachOut World Nations” campaign started during the Rhapathon with Pastor Chris in September 2023. The main goal was to fulfill the mandate of reaching 7 billion people in the world through the distribution of the Rhapsody of Realities.
The power of the Gospel is increasingly impacting the world as the reality of the divine life is being brought to the hearts of millions of people.
“Nothing can work to our disadvantage,” says Pastor Chris
Today’s Rhapsody of Realities by Pastor Chris Oyakhilome is titled “Beyond Assumptions”.
Pastor Chris reminds us that having received eternal life from Jesus Christ, there’s a knowledge in your heart that God is your Father. He says: “This isn’t an assumption; it’s knowledge imparted to us by the Holy Spirit that we’re born of God. We’re heirs of God and joint heirs with Christ.”
Pastor Chris poses the question: “How could you be broke, or live an ordinary life, with the knowledge that you’re a joint heir with Christ?”
He explains that being a joint heir with Christ means everything that belongs to Jesus Christ belongs to you in the same way that it belongs to Him.
The knowledge that we’ve overcome the world is in our spirits; we’re more than conquerors and victors in Christ Jesus. It doesn’t matter how dark and gloomy things get; be unruffled. The knowledge we have and by which we live is beyond the senses.
Likewise, when we pray, our prayers transcend the arena of assumptions. Our prayers produce results because of our deep and intimate knowledge of the One to whom we pray. Our relationship with Him is based on our knowledge of Him; it transcends religious rituals and formulas.
Therefore, when we pray about something, it’s because we’re confident that it’s in accordance with the Father’s will. If it’s not His will, we don’t desire to pursue it. Our knowledge of Him causes us to trust Him completely, following His guidance.