Pastor Chris Prepares the Church for the Coming of the Rapture

In today’s rapidly shifting world, marked by political unrest, natural disasters, and global moral decline, the message of the rapture—the catching away of the saints—has become more relevant than ever. Among those who have boldly sounded the trumpet of this divine event is world-renowned minister, Pastor Chris Oyakhilome. His teachings have not only stirred up awareness but also ignited a sense of urgency and hope in the hearts of millions across the globe.

Pastor Chris has long been a prophetic voice to the nations, unafraid to declare what the Spirit of God is saying in this hour.

A Voice for the End Times

Pastor Chris has long been a prophetic voice to the nations, unafraid to declare what the Spirit of God is saying in this hour. Through his daily devotional Rhapsody of Realities, his global broadcasts, and countless teaching sessions, he has emphasized again and again that we are living in the final moments before the return of the Lord Jesus Christ.

For Pastor Chris, the rapture is not just a theological concept. It is a real, imminent event that the Church must be ready for. He has often said, “Jesus is coming sooner than many people think,” urging believers to align their lives with God’s Word and become soul-winners in this final lap of the race.

What Is the Rapture?

The rapture, as Pastor Chris teaches, is the moment when Jesus Christ will return in the clouds to take up His Church—those who are born again and walking in faith. In 1 Thessalonians 4:16-17, the Apostle Paul describes this glorious moment:

“For the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout… and the dead in Christ shall rise first. Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds…”

Pastor Chris explains this passage with passion and clarity, emphasizing that this event will happen in the twinkling of an eye—without warning. For this reason, every believer must live in readiness, walking in righteousness and keeping their lamps burning.

A Wake-Up Call for the Church

In many of his recent teachings, Pastor Chris has sounded a divine wake-up call. The Church, he says, must not fall asleep like the five foolish virgins in the parable of Matthew 25. Instead, we must be spiritually alert, discerning the times, and making the most of every opportunity to share the Gospel.

During the monthly Global Communion Services and Global Day of Prayer, Pastor Chris often brings a timely message about the nearness of the rapture. He reminds the Church that this is not a time for spiritual complacency but for boldness in proclaiming Christ to the world.

The Role of Soul-Winning

One of the strongest themes in Pastor Chris’ message about the rapture is the urgency of soul-winning. He teaches that the harvest is ripe, and every believer has a part to play in rescuing the lost. “Don’t keep quiet,” he urges. “Preach the Gospel. Reach out with love. Shine your light. For soon, we will be out of here.”

Through initiatives like ReachOut World and Healing Streams Live Healing Services, Pastor Chris has mobilized a global army of believers to saturate every nation with the Word of God. Every distribution of Rhapsody of Realities, every soul brought into the Kingdom, is part of the great end-time move of the Spirit preparing the Church for the Master’s return.

Living in Expectation

Pastor Chris encourages believers not to fear the rapture, but to live in joyful expectation of it. “It’s our hope, our blessed assurance,” he says. “We’re not afraid—we’re excited!” The rapture is the culmination of the Christian’s journey, the moment when we shall see Jesus face to face and be transformed to be like Him.

He also reminds us that while we wait, we must live with purpose. The time is short, but the opportunities are vast. This is the hour to walk in love, walk in faith, and walk in the Spirit.

Final Thoughts

As Pastor Chris continues to sound the alarm about the rapture and the end of the Church age, it becomes clear that this is a time for personal reflection and renewed passion for the things of God. We are not in the dark—we are children of light. And as we see the day approaching, we rejoice, knowing that our redemption is nearer than when we first believed.

Are you ready? Jesus is coming soon. Stay alert, stay focused, and keep your heart set on things above.

“Behold, I come quickly: hold that fast which thou hast, that no man take thy crown.” – Revelation 3:11

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