Pastor Chris led the global congregation in prayers against the demonic influence and rapid spread of Covid-19. Coronavirus is causing huge concerns among all nations of the world.
Just before the conclusion of the March 2020, Global Communion Service on Sunday, March 1st, the man of God, Reverend Dr. Chris Oyakhilome, stated that the rapidly spreading Coronavirus has been formulated by the devil. He explained that there are orchestrations that the devil and his demons do to frustrate the economy of nations. This current outbreak of the Coronavirus is one of such demonic onslaught from the kingdom of darkness.

However, Pastor Chris encouraged the congregation not to despair as God’s people can never be victims. “We possess the power to effect positive changes and to put a stop to the devil’s schemes” he affirmed.
He then led God’s children to exercise their authority in prayers by using the name of Jesus to declare a stop to the spread of the virus. The global congregation prayed fervently and Pastor Chris uttered words full of power, putting a stop to the destructive powers and further spread of the Coronavirus globally.
Pastor Chris’s prayer
“In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ thank you for your Word that’s been given to us. Lord, you told us in the last days there’ll be perplexity of nations. Men’s hearts failing them for fear because of the things that they would see because of the terrible experiences in the nations of the world and right now Lord many are afraid because of this deadly virus orchestrated by the devil.
But you gave us power over unclean spirits to cast them out and cure diseases. In the name of the Lord Jesus, we come against the Coronavirus from the very cause of it, from the very root of it. Then we come against the devils- the demons of darkness that spearheaded this project.
You devils of sickness and disease, you evil spirits behind the Coronavirus. It is said that your work started in China but wherever you started from and whatever nations you have gone we break your influence now, in the name of Jesus and we command you to stop the operations and your maneuvers over the governments of the world.

In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ every demon of Darkness that’s involved in this wicked onslaught against the nations of the world you Devils of darkness that are responsible for destroying lives and the economies of nations through fear and the Coronavirus we bind you, we break your influence in the name of Jesus.
We command you now to stop in your tracks in the name of Jesus Christ. Your works are now frustrated and we dispatch in Angles of God to go forth and cause the vaccines to be made available to come into operation now solution to come to men in the various nations the cure to be available on cheap. By the wisdom of God release into the nations now- in the name of the Lord Jesus.
There is an answer and there is a cure right now in the name of Jesus Christ. Let there be no more fear of it. By the power of the Holy Ghost, by the power of the Holy Ghost, in the name of Jesus Christ. Hallelujah – by the power of the Holy Ghost in the name of Jesus praise God forevermore.”
You can listen to this prayer on the YouTube channel of the Pastor Chris Digital Library