When Pastor Chris is a part of something its meaning is more profound, more personal and more impactful. In all his global crusades and evangelism, he manages to capture and create an intimacy that is usually only afforded to family. There are countless members of the LoveWorld Nation that refer to him as their Father or Daddy. This is an endearingly respectful measure. The family of Pastor Chris is all-encompassing.
Brotherly love and respect for Pastor Chris
Bishop Feb Idahosa told us that Pastor Chris was an intern in his father’s ministry. He talks about Pastor Chris with the respect of a Pastor and the love of a brother. He praised Pastor Chris for his impact on the University after he graduated and the fact that he is giving to the generations that have not even been born yet.
In donating money to the Benson Idahosa University God has answered their family prayers for the enactment of their family’s vision. He considers Pastor Chris as a God-given blessing to his family. His family ministry is connected to LoveWorld Ministry and that is glorious.

In a beautiful act of family love Pastor Chris Oyakhilome has been gifted the personal Bible of the late popular Nigerian televangelist, Bishop Benson Idahosa. Pastor Chris, a former mentee of the late Bishop Idahosa, is considered a ‘son’ to the family, hence the gift. The bible used by the late Archbishop Benson Idahosa has been kept for 22 years since he went to be with the Lord now has been handed over to Rev Chris Oyakhilome DSc, D.D by the family.
Mamma Idahosa speaks of her family with Pastor Chris
The Bible, which was housed in a red box, is said to have been used by the popular televangelist to preach in over 150 countries around the world, as he proclaimed the gospel of Christ and brought healing and redemption to millions. the wife of the late Archbishop, Dr. Margaret E. Benson Idahosa said they, ” had an emotional moment as the Idahosa Family, as led by God gave our Son Rev Chris a family Gift. We have held on to this gift for the last 22 years after our father Archbishop Benson Idahosa left for glory March 12th, 1998, and we rest assured this our action is Divine.”
In a soul-stirring speech, she elucidated further. “We believe this gift will be a blessing to our Son. In the realms of the spirit, there is a handover going on. The baton has been handed over. It happened in the realms of the spirit and today we are seeing them in the physical.”
Spiritual son recalls his father
Pastor Chris said “When I gave to the university, I was taking the opportunity afforded me to say thank you. I am one grateful person, just one among so many, I am grateful for many things, firstly for what and who the Archbishop Benson Idahosa was to me. “When I was coming here, I thought about the legacy of the archbishop. I count myself highly honored to have been given the opportunity to be here celebrating.”
Working at the national office of the Church of God Mission
Pastor Chris explained that Bishop Idahosa changed the face of Christian worship across the world. He taught him praise and worship and inspired him to do big things for God. he was inspired by pictures of live miracles hung on the lounge of Idahosa’s office where he worked as a teenager “and I would stare and stare and stare because I could see in my bible the miracles but I only use imagination now the Archbishop had the pictures, I could see the pictures.”
The family of Pastor Chris brings the Word to the world
“He taught us to be educated. He showed us education was important and he stressed it, he inspired us about the school, and he taught us to be relevant to society.” Pastor Chris has brought education to places where opportunities are scarce continuing the legacy of Bishop Idahosa.
He said the late Archbishop Benson Idahosa taught them to always help the poor and the government in a bid to make sure a better society emerges. He said late Idahosa thought the government was poor that was why it had to solicit support from churches.
With NGOs like COFI reaching targets of sustainable development and advising the United Nations on how to achieve those targets, Pastor Chris is living the vision that the Archbishop had.

Words of dedication from a son to a father
Pastor Chris disclosed this at the official dedication and commissioning of the legacy campus and the faculty of engineering of Benson Idahosa University. “The Archbishop taught us so many things, as a minister of the gospel, the Archbishop taught us the word, he taught us to worship and give praises. “We didn’t learn that anywhere else. I was brought up in the church, and the first day I entered the Church of God Mission on a Sunday morning, I thought I had raptured, already in heaven”.
Pastor Chris said his contribution to the building of the campus was part of his contribution to the legacy of late Idahosa to honor him. “I am his legacy; this is our campus. It is the campus of the legacy of the Archbishop Benson Idahosa.” This is the gift of a blessed son to a blessed family for all generations.