October is the Month of Excellence, Pastor Chris Declared at the Global Communion Service

The man of God, Pastor Chris Oyakhilome announced that October is the ‘Month of Excellence’ during the recently concluded Global Communion Service. Addressing a global congregation, Pastor Chris encouraged believers everywhere to make excellence their practice this month, the tenth month of the ‘Year of Redemption‘. Drawing from the scriptures, he highlighted the importance of embodying the spirit of excellence in all areas of life, reminding everyone that excellence is a calling in Christ.

Using references from Proverbs 8:6, Ephesians 4:17-31, and Ephesians 5:1-8, Pastor Chris explained the profound spiritual relevance behind the declaration of this special month. He emphasized that excellence is not just about achieving success but aligning with God’s purpose and calling for every believer.

Quoting Proverbs 8:6, Pastor Chris said, “You’re going to walk in excellence. There are people who use their lips for foolishness. Refuse! You have an excellent spirit. There are some things that God never planned to be in your life. Don’t give vent to them. Learn to live in time and eternity at the same time. You have to learn and practice it. Discover your purpose in life. Discover who you are. Discover God’s plan for you and don’t let those things that are inconsistent with God’s plan for you in your life. Excellence is our calling in Christ.”

Pastor Chris Oyakhilome announced that October is the ‘Month of Excellence’ during the recently concluded Global Communion Service.

Walking in the Spirit of Excellence

Continuing with his message, Pastor Chris emphasized the importance of walking in excellence by referencing Ephesians 4:17-32. He admonished the congregation, “Don’t live like Christians who don’t know the Lord. In Christ, we have a different life. We have an excellent life. Be renewed in the character of your mind.” He encouraged everyone to reflect Christ in their daily actions and relationships, showcasing excellence in character and conduct.

“If you used to steal, stop. Become a giver. Your character is the quality of your spirit and your personality. What happens to people when they hear from you? What happens when you talk? Do they get a lift? Is grace ministered to them? There are people who live in a way that’s grieving to the Holy Spirit. Are you living that way?” Pastor Chris challenged the global audience.

He went on to explain how in the Old Testament, those who grieved the Spirit of God ended up in opposition to Him. “That’s a fight you can never win. You can’t have bitterness, malice, evil speaking in your life and walk in excellence. You’ve got to practice it this month of October. Be forgiving,” he urged. Pastor Chris made it clear that walking in excellence starts from within, and it’s a reflection of one’s character and relationship with God.

Be Children of Light

Further teaching from Ephesians 5:1-8, Pastor Chris reinforced the importance of living as children of light. He said, “Stop foolish talking… Instead, give thanks. Don’t let anybody tell you that these things don’t matter. You used to be darkness. But now you are light in the Lord. Walk as children of light.”

This month of October is an opportunity for every believer to rise to new levels of excellence by allowing the light of Christ to shine through their lives. Pastor Chris encouraged everyone to pursue personal growth, excellence in relationships, and excellence in their service to God and humanity.

Highlights from the Global Communion Service

The Global Communion Service, which happens at the beginning of each month, serves as a time of direction and fellowship for millions of believers across the world. October’s service was no different. During this service, Pastor Chris not only declared the ‘Month of Excellence’ but also led participants in prayers and worship. The service was streamed live across all LoveWorld Networks and ministry platforms, connecting millions worldwide.

As believers partake in the Holy Communion, Pastor Chris reminds them of the power in the blood and body of Christ, which brings healing, restoration, and empowerment. This is a practice that aligns with the call to excellence, as believers are spiritually equipped to walk in divine favor and manifest the character of Christ.

Excellence in Every Aspect of Life

Pastor Chris’ call for excellence extends beyond spiritual life. Whether in business, relationships, ministry, or personal growth, this month presents an opportunity for every believer to reflect the nature of God, who is excellent in all His ways. Pastor Chris frequently reminds his followers that as children of God, they possess the spirit of excellence, and it is their responsibility to showcase it in everything they do.

As you move forward this month, remember to take the teachings of Pastor Chris into every aspect of your life. Practice excellence in your speech, in your relationships, and in your walk with God. Let this be the month where you truly shine as a child of light, bringing glory to God through your commitment to excellence.

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