We have just concluded the 14th edition of the life-transforming Global Day of Prayer with Pastor Chris Oyakhilome. This weekend was a non-stop 24-hour marathon of prayers and praises to God. At the grand finale on Saturday the 24th of June, Pastor Chris introduced Pastor Benny Hinn again and asked him to especially pray for God’s people because of the days ahead.
Pastor Chris also made a special announcement for the coming days, introducing another special 7-Day Global Prayer and Fasting program beginning today, Sunday, June 25th to Saturday, July 1st.

Bringing the Month of Prayer and Praise to an End
This program will end as the July Global Communion Service begins on Sunday the 2nd of July, bringing the ‘Month of Prayer and Praise’ to a close. This brings us to the second half of the ‘Year of the Prolific Church’.
“This month, we are praying, praising, and prophesying,” Pastor Chris declared to the global audience at the June Global Communion Service.
The Man of God did not disappoint, as we discovered at the International School of Ministry’s (ISM) Global Ministers Classroom (GMC), led by Pastor Chris Oyakhilome himself, which emerged as a transformative platform where ministers from around the world received empowering teachings, and experienced profound spiritual growth. Following this program was the International Cell Leaders’ Conference (ICLC) with Pastor Chris, another gathering of soul-winners. This culminated in the 15th edition of Praise Night with Pastor Chris.
Pastor Chris emphasized the importance of praising God saying: “You have been created for God’s praise. When you praise God, you’ll discover that you have no sense of need.”
The Power of Prayer
Pastor Chris’s teachings on faith and the power of prayer have helped millions of people around the world to connect with God and experience His love.
Appropriately today’s Rhapsody of Realities by Pastor Chris is titled “Don’t Miss God”.
“In your life, the best place to be, always, is at the center of God’s will. Never be carried away by the allures of this world. The choices you make shouldn’t be based on the cravings of the flesh, but according to the leading of the Holy Spirit.”
He has told us continuously that the most important thing is prayer.
“We don’t just pray. We pray with direction; with meaning; with definite desires,” the Man of God has guided us, saying: “If you know God’s word and you know him, you will understand that in this earth, the most potent thing is prayer.”
Ever since the Global Day of Prayer began in March 2020, Pastor Chris has told us that the power lies in our hands, saying: “Prayer was God’s idea, not man’s. He told us to pray because he intended to answer. prayer is not the weak man’s way so that we can escape responsibility.”
“Read your Bible. When God’s people fast and pray, things happen. We are changing things in the realm of the Spirit.”
Pastor Chris went on to say that the earnest, heartfelt, and continuous prayer of a righteous ‘man’ makes tremendous power available, and dynamic in its working.
“There’s no hopeless situation that we can’t change through prayer,” he reminded us.
“There’s nothing you can’t change through prayer. Make prayer a major feature in your life and a major part of your daily routine. It will strengthen you and help you maintain focus even in the face of the toughest temptations and persecutions.”