When 65-year-old Elsa Gill, a loving mother and wife was talking on the phone one day, something very strange happened. Feeling a slight change in her hearing, Elsa discovered that this was the beginning of an irreversible ear condition, a problem that would ultimately result in complete deafness. This all changed when Elsa heard of the Healing School with Pastor Chris.
Elsa Gill recalls her first recollection of this disaster. “It started in 2012; while talking on the phone, I realized that I couldn’t hear with my left ear. I had to listen with the right ear. I went to the hospital and was diagnosed to be suffering from hearing loss. It was a shock when I realized that I couldn’t hear.” Elsa was at her wit’s end tried to cope with her new condition.

“I listened hard and tried to read lips, but it was always noisy when people talked to me. Then I realized that it was getting worse, and with great speed.” The pressures were hard causing Elsa to encounter challenges in mere day to day interactions with people. “Medically, there was no cure, and the doctor said I would have to live with it for the rest of my life.”
Doctor after doctor, the distraught woman was met with more disappointments. It seemed as if nothing could help her. Having exhausted all possible treatments, Elsa discovered the Healing School with Pastor Chris. She had seen how thousands of people had gone into the Healing School with ailments and conditions even far worse than hers. All of these people had come out completely healed.
The turning point for Elsa was when she decided to see Pastor Chris. It was clear that a miracle came to her in the form of the man of God. “When I came to the Healing School, I knew I was in the right place. My hearing was fully restored in an instant. I could hear the voices and the cheers all over the hall! Also, I’d had a problem in my right hip, but my only focus when coming to the Healing School had been my ears. As I got up, however, I heard a voice telling me to jump on my right leg; I did and I discovered my hip was completely healed. I was so excited and energized, and I just fellowshipped with the Holy Ghost.”

Thanks to the miraculous healing power of Pastor Chris, Elsa emerged from the session with 100% of her hearing back as well as a renewed sense of strength and health. It was a moment in her life that she would never forget. The once hopeless and distraught Elsa is now feeling better than ever.
“Listening to Pastor Chris and seeing the fruit of his life, I appreciate him. He is amazing and I love him very much. To the partners of the Healing School, thank you so much, for making it possible for us, I am grateful for what you’ve done.”
Pastor Chris has declared that 2019 is to be the Year of Lights. In his end of year service, the man of God revealed that the meaning of this is hope. Light signifies hope in dark times and nothing quite represents this more than the miraculous stories from the Healing School.

Honorine Aisekko, a 33-year-old Benin Republic native shared her miraculous story of how Pastor Chris made her walk again. “I could not stand up, let alone support myself. I did not sleep comfortably because I couldn’t roll over on my side. Even turning my neck was impossible. I could no longer bathe or feed myself, lifting my hands and carrying out small movements couldn’t be done. I lost my life because of this condition.”
After 12 years of suffering, Honorine’s sister took her to Christ Embassy Church. “We found out that there was going to be a Healing School in Lagos, Nigeria. This was in 2016. We quickly registered, and I came to the Healing School in that horrible condition.” Horonine knew at that moment seeing Pastor Chris meant that she was “already healed”. The blessed woman described her session and the very moment she felt the man of God’s touch. “I looked into his eyes but I wasn’t seeing Pastor Chris. I was seeing light and everything was white”.

Honorine is now completely comfortable and free and even returned with healing powers of her own. When her niece who was not crawling at the time, experienced the power of her healing hand, she knew came back with a special power. Honorine held her niece in her arms for some time. When she put her back down again the baby began to crawl for the first time.
These stories are indeed inspiring and a true reflection of not only the power of the man of God but also a symbol of a bright new 2019.
If you or a loved one is suffering from something, then try the Healing School with Pastor Chris. Autumn Healing sessions are open now. Click here to register.
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