The communion was the last one of the year- the Year of the Supernatural.
The service was led by Pastor Chris who gave an awe-inspiring session as well as Pastor Lanre Alabi, who led the prayer of thanksgiving. An array of LMAM All-Stars including Obi Shine, Sophiya its and more showered the service in beautiful musical melodies.
Amidst the powerful prayer sessions and ardent worship, memorable moments from the recent LIMA awards were recalled and shared, stirring emotions in the hearts of the multi-national audience.
The highly esteemed CEC Members, Reverend Tom Amenkhienan and Evang. (Dr.) Eddy Owase, shared inspiring thoughts on the International Pastors’ and Partners’ Conference and its “impartation of revelation and strength.” Also, on the Communion, was Esteemed Pastor Joy Amenkhienan, who testified to the impact of the recent staggering achievement of the distribution of over 1 billion Rhapsody of Realities. In the session itself, Pastor Chris began by discussing how we as humans were created, and the importance of grace.
“The grace upon the calling is like the parts on the body. He made and positioned them according to His design. In the Church, the Holy Spirit is the Boss. He came to take Jesus’ place. He is leading and guiding us. He positions us. He gives the ministries, gifts, and responsibilities as He chooses. That we may fulfill God’s purpose.”

Pastor Chris also reminded his congregation to always remain careful of men who claim to lead you.
“First ask yourself, “What will this man or woman do for the Gospel.” The Gospel is the only law that brings liberty to the human spirit. Ask yourself, what will he do to the Gospel?”
The magnificent service ended on an incredibly high and emotional note as attendees rejoiced over their wealth from this past year’s. The Year of the Supernatural has brought millions of Loveworld citizen an endless amount of gifts.
As stupendous that this last year has been, the Loveworld nation braces themselves for a new era. This month, the Month of Gathering Sheaves is the perfect theme to welcome a new year.

Pastor Chris, who prophetically named this month of December, taught his congregation the meaning of ‘Gathering Sheaves‘.
“There are ideas God gave you this year, find them, bind them, bring them together. There are things there that you overlooked. These are Idea-Sheaves. Find your notes. Gather them together and review them. God wants to talk to you and update them for you in a way that you can act on them. “