As we start a new month at Christ Embassy with Pastor Chris Oyakhilome in the ‘Year of Prolific Church’, we bid farewell to July, the ‘Month of Joy’.
We will be finding out the word of the month from our Man of God, Pastor Chris Oyakhilome at the August Global Communion Service, this upcoming Sunday, the 6th of August 2023.

Past months of August
Last year, 2022, the ‘Year of the Gathering Clouds’, Pastor Chris announced that the month of August was to be the ‘Month of Meditation’, when he proclaimed: “This month you are going to meditate on God’s Word and in the months following, the results will begin to show.”
He continued to say last year, “You are about to spread abroad, make such advancement that cannot be denied, make such progress in your life that cannot be denied, but the secret is what we do this month… meditate, it’s a month of meditation.”
Pastor Chris explained: “You are going to focus your mind on the Word, you’re going to talk the Word, think the Word, mutter the Word, confess the Word. You will meditate in the daytime, you will meditate in the nighttime, soak your spirit with the Word of God.”
There are no clues for the month of August
In previous years it has had different themes:
2021, our ‘Year of Preparation, celebrated August as the ‘Month of Praise’. 2020, the ‘Year of Perfection’, August was the ‘Month of Recovery’. The ‘Year of Lights, 2019 saw August as the ‘Month of Beauty’, and the Year before, 2018, the ‘Year of the Supernatural’; it was the ‘Month of Reflection’.
A special time for Christ Embassy
This last month has ended on a high, with the conclusion of the 8th edition of the Healing Streams Live Healing Services with Pastor Chris. There were countless miracles witnessed where the power of God manifested in the presence of Pastor Chris, bringing healing, miracles, and salvation to many.
There was the presence of holiness, hope, joy, and comfort as the Man of God laid his hands on the sick and weak, transforming their lives forever.
Anyone, anywhere in the world, who was desperate for a miracle and to change their circumstances connected remotely via virtual centers to this global online phenomenon.
There is a new maiden event being offered through the International School of Ministry (ISM) this month called the Online Youth Ministers’ Conference which will equip the youths with skills to become vibrant, and visionary in carrying out their commitments to the ministry.
This event will take place on Saturday, the 12th of August 2023 at 2:00 pm (GMT+1).
The youth are instrumental in taking the Gospel to all the nations of the world, we are expecting over 10 million young ministers, between the ages of 18 to 30 years old, from over 200 countries to join this riveting 4-hour virtual event.
The end is at hand and this gospel must be preached to the ends of the earth and then the end will come. We see how instrumental you’re to the global agenda of colonizing nations of the world with the gospel. This event will be streamed on all ISM platforms.
Prophetic guide with daily devotional
Quite appropriately, after an eventful month and successful edition of the Healing Streams live Healing Services with Pastor Chris, today’s Rhapsody of Realities is titled: “Luminosity by the Word”.
Pastor Chris explains that the entrance of God’s Word into your heart will make you luminous or shine; your life will be like the dawning of the morning and glorious.
The Man of God further describes that when something is described as luminous, it means it has the quality of producing or reflecting light. The entrance of the Word makes you glow; you become a burning and a shining light—you produce from within you such brightness, radiance, and brilliance of the Spirit!