The Healing Streams Live Healing Services through the Healing School with Pastor Chris Oyakhilome is truly a life-changing and unforgettable experience for many. Testimonies and miracles are endless as millions of people receive healing all around the world.
“I hope you’re getting ready for Healing Streams Live Healing Services for the month of March. It’s going to be a great one, it’s going to be big! Because so many around the world will be healed. Their lives changed forever,” Pastor Chris told the world, “Be the reason for someone else’s miracle! Join forces to take healing everywhere.”
The next edition of this special healing crusade is scheduled to take place from the 17th of March until the 19th of March 2023, at 3:00 p.m. (GMT+1) daily. It will be a three-day of triumph and awesome testimonies as streams of supernatural occurrences, divine health, and awe-inspiring testimonies will flood in.

Testimonies for Pastor Chris flood in daily
Ankunda is one of the grateful recipients of miracles. In December 2021, Ankunda was rendered incapacitated after an assailant attacked her. After undergoing tests and x-rays it was discovered that she had a broken spine and fractured discs. Her moment of healing and peace came during the July 2022 Healing Streams Live Services with Pastor Chris where she received divine health and complete healing.
These special services facilitated by the Healing School are orchestrated by the Holy Spirit to bring divine health to those that require healing in any aspect of their life.
It is an online global event that has caused blessings in the lives of millions of people around the world.
The 4 P’s, with these 4 steps, you would be Healing Streams ready:
Prayerfully prepare for healing everywhere
In James 5:15 it is written, “…the prayer of faith shall save the sick, and the Lord shall raise him up…”
As the Man of God, Pastor Chris has told us, where you can be actively involved in something glorious through prayer: “Prayer is an opportunity to cause changes in the realm of the spirit; which in turn manifests in the physical. As people pray across the globe, the clouds of prayer, faith, and expectations are gathering for an overflow of unlimited miracles.”
Publicize by spreading the Word to your world
You can be a conveyor of healing to your world by publicizing the March Healing Streams Live Healing Services on your social media platforms and inviting those you come across every day. “But how can they call on him to save them unless they believe in him? And how can they believe in him if they have never heard about him? And how can they hear about him unless someone tells them?” Romans 10:14 (NLT).
Sharing the news is the only way some people will get to hear about the Healing Streams. Reach out to all those in your sphere of contact and get them ready to experience a time of supernatural promotions.
Position healing centers available to all
Setting up virtual and physical healing centers, where others can connect and receive the life and healing-giving Gospel is another avenue through which you can prepare for the Live Healing Services.
These centers can be set up in your home, church, office, hospital, shops, and literally any open space.
Partner towards taking divine healing to the nations
Through your partnership, the efforts of the Healing School in saving the unsaved, healing the sick and infirm, and restoring hope to the hopeless are amplified.
Healing has been brought to nations through partners of the Healing to the Nations Magazine, Healing Streams TV, and Healing Streams Live Healing Services with Pastor Chris.
You too can change lives by organizing Healing Outreaches and giving towards the March Healing Streams Live Healing Services with Pastor Chris.