We are now in the home stretch to take healing to the nations with the 8th edition of the Healing Streams Live Healing Services with Pastor Chris Oyakhilome.
“In no time in this generation has the world needed divine healing like it does today. We’re living in a day in which healthcare providers and health regulators are even becoming a threat to health. We have to respond, and our first line of response is the Healing Streams Live Healing Services!” Pastor Chris Oyakhilome told the global audience, adding: “Make a difference today! Prioritize giving for the global reach and organization of the Healing Streams Live Healing Services and make healing available to all with your seed.”
No case is hopeless with the help of God, as we have seen in the countless miracles and testimonies from previous editions of this healing crusade. Invite someone today and change their life.

Preparation is well underway
As we prepare for this life-changing event, the Road to Healing Streams Live with Pastor Chris has been an invaluable journey. Packed with fresh and insightful updates, it has equipped us to receive all that God has in store for us during the forthcoming Healing Streams Live Healing Services. Our hearts and minds are being primed to experience the fullness of God’s healing grace.
We have witnessed the miracles of God with the Road to Healing Streams Live with Pastor Chris loaded with fresh & insightful updates that have helped prepare most adequately and position you rightly to receive all that God has for you at the forthcoming Healing Streams Live Healing Services with Pastor Chris.
It’s a call to action, an opportunity for everyone to join hands and become instruments of healing and transformation.
No case is hopeless
When we look back at the countless miracles and testimonies from the previous editions of this healing crusade, we see that no case is hopeless with God’s intervention. The Healing Streams Live Healing Services have proven to be a beacon of hope, restoring health and renewing faith in the hearts of many.
But this crusade is not just for a select few – it is a responsibility that falls on all believers. Together, we carry the mandate to take the message of healing to the nations. One powerful tool in achieving this is the distribution of the Healing to the Nations Magazine. Through this magazine, the message of healing reaches far and wide, touching the lives of those who need it most.
So let us all take up the charge to invite others to this life-transforming event. Let us share the news of God’s healing power and love with friends, family, and acquaintances, knowing that a simple invitation could change someone’s life forever.
In this critical time, when the world is in dire need of healing, we can become ambassadors of hope, agents of change, and vessels of God’s miraculous healing power. Together, let us rise to the occasion and fulfill our divine purpose: to take healing to the nations and make a difference in the lives of millions.
Register today to avoid disappointment!