A Special Global Service with Pastor Chris Oyakhilome extends the LoveWorld Festival of Music and Arts (LFMA) joy to the global congregation. “We create our world and others live in our world. That is what is written for us,” he told the audience and announced a special 4-day Global Prayer and Fasting beginning December 1st to December 4th. What a special way to begin the last month of the ‘Year of the Gathering Clouds‘.
As we gear up for the end of another spectacular year, we head toward the finish line on a high note.
Pastor Chris Oyakhilome has told us in the past that the purpose of the Global Day of Prayer is to draw upon the high powers of the Almighty.
“We are not on our own, Jesus said he will not leave us comfortless. So, we are not helpless by any standard. No evil can have power over us, nothing in this world,” Pastor Chris said at a previous Global Day of Prayer.

Prayer is not man’s idea
Pastor Chris once said that “Prayer is not man’s idea but God’s idea and the reason he wants us to pray is because He wants to answer”.
At a prior Global Day of Prayer, our Man of God declared: “Prayer helps us come into the fullness of the Spirit. Pray until you prevail. Pray until in your heart you have the witness that the matter is settled. The moment it is done, you will have a note of victory in your spirit; and instead of a burden, you will start laughing and singing from your spirit.”
The historic, victorious, maiden edition of the Global Day of Prayer with Pastor Chris Oyakhilome, took place in 2021, the ‘Year of Preparation‘.
When it took to the airwaves on the 26th of March, a staggering record-breaking attendance of over 5.3 billion participants from around the world logged in. This phenomenon was repeated at the one-year anniversary of the Global Day of Prayer with Pastor Chris, which was a monumental and resounding success against the evils of the world, during the time of the global COVID-19 pandemic, when they needed hope and comfort from the unknown devastation.
We will continue in prayer to ensure that all nations remain aligned with God’s master script through our prayer at the Global Day of Prayer.
“There is too much suffering going on in our world because of ignorance that’s why He sent us to preach the Gospel,” Pastor Chris has told the global audience as we remember the initial reason that this program was birthed.
There is a right time to pray and fast says, Pastor Chris
In a recent Rhapsody of Realities, Pastor Chris explained that prayer and fasting have been part of our spiritual activity as Christians. We fast when necessary.
Our Man of God elaborated on this saying that when your local church or congregation proclaims a prayer and fasting program, that’s a time to fast.
“Never isolate yourself from such a call, because it’s part of our corporate fellowship. They’re things we do corporately, such as corporate worship, and many other things that are intended for spiritual growth and edification; prayer and fasting are among them.”
He went on to say that when you choose to fast and pray, or the Holy Spirit leads you to do so, don’t ignore it. “That’s another great opportunity, especially if it’s the Spirit guiding you; and you’ll know when He’s the One leading you to fast.”
He has encouraged the community to make fasting and praying a part of their personal spiritual routine, saying that: “through fasting and praying, your effectiveness in the things of the Spirit are improved. Your ability to hear and receive from God is sharpened, and you’re more attuned to the finer signals and instruction of the Spirit that you need for a higher level of life; a life of continuous glory and success!”
Pastor Chris teaches the Difference between ‘praying and fasting’, and ‘fasting and praying’
Pastor Chris has told us that sometimes as Christians, we can miss God’s order of things.
“God is a God of order, and order gives meaning to things. For example, all around the world, people tend to confuse the order and say, ‘fasting and prayer’, instead of ‘prayer and fasting’. Prayer comes before fasting in the Scriptures.”
He explains that the emphasis should be on praying. “It’s a call to prayer, and because you’re praying, you’re consciously staying away from eating. The fast is on, because you’re praying, not because you’re not eating.”