Focus on the Greater Goal with Pastor Chris

Pastor Chris Oyakhilome told the global community at the recent Your LoveWorld Specials season 5, phase 7 to “focus on the greater goal” saying: “Jesus saith unto them, My meat is to do the will of him that sent me, and to finish his work (John 4:34). As we earnestly look forward to the Rapture of the Church, it’s important that your focus is on the achievement of the greater goal.”

7 million Mandate for God

Pastor Chris continued to say: “What’s this greater goal? It’s winning the unsaved to Christ. Jesus and His disciples were on a journey from Judaea to Galilee, and they stopped in a Samaritan village. The Master needed to catch a breather while His disciples went to get some food. While Jesus sat at the well, a woman came to draw water, and Jesus began to preach the Good News of the Kingdom to her. Much later, when His disciples returned with the food, and Jesus wouldn’t eat. When they wondered why He didn’t want to eat, He replied, “I have food to eat that you know nothing about; the food that keeps me going is that I do the will of the One who sent me and finishes His work” (John 4:32-34). This is the example He left us to follow. Doing God’s work was number one to Jesus.”

Our Man of God continues, saying: “Nothing should be more important to you than ensuring the spread of the Gospel in your world and around the world. You must realize that your earthly job, business, education, or other career are your opportunities and vehicles for transporting the Gospel. When you commit your life to soul winning, you discover the satisfaction and fulfillment nothing else in life can give you. You declare like Jesus, “My meat is to do the will of Him that sent me, and to finish His work.”Praise God!”

Through this special program, we are reaching and impacting over 7 billion souls for Christ. There’s a great urgency to reach all men everywhere with the Gospel of Jesus Christ in these last days. In His passionate pursuit of souls, the Lord has taken away every limit, mandating us to reach and disciple 7 billion people with His divine message.

When we do our Christian duty and preach to those who have not heard about the Gospel we have a responsibility to bring their souls to a heightened awareness of their Christian life.

Soul-winning for Christ

When a Christian is reborn and mentored they will take on the mantle of soul-winning as they are brought into leadership. Pastor Chris in his sermons inspires us to mentor them and bring them into positions of leadership that they may be blessings to others. A mature Christian soul will take some responsibility for the ministry. Therefore, when need to mentor people to a stage of maturity so they can be a blessing to others.

The work of soul-winning is not done until that individual we have won has grown to a level of maturity where he or she has taken the responsibility of winning others to the Lord. In raising others, we teach them to spread the Good News of the Gospel just as Jesus taught His disciples to do the things that He was doing. Jesus also charged them to teach others. The sermons of Pastor Chris Oyakhilome provide profound wisdom and are a key to enlightening our understanding of the need for soul winning and maintaining the souls brought to Jesus Christ.

Important Messages from Pastor Chris

Pastor Chris Oyakhilome, our Man of God, mentor, and father figure dished out many words of wisdom throughout the latest Your LoveWorld Specials 5-day program. He imparted these words to the millions of viewers who attended and logged in live to watch the broadcast:

“The grace of God on your life is the divine ability in you to be successful in every endeavor.” Pastor Chris also told us that the rapture is imminent, saying: “Make no mistake about it! Each day that passes brings us closer to the soon return of our Lord Jesus Christ. Live every day as one awaiting the Master’s return.”

Pastor Chris explained at the grand finale how Rhema should be used as ammunition, by saying that when you pray expect to receive Rhema and declare it when you get it.

“Use your sword which is the Word of God for attack and not for defense. The sword is for attack and your faith is for defense.” — Pastor Chris Oyakhilome.

Your LoveWorld Specials has always been a symbol of hope and truth. With all the deep insights and revelations dished out by the man of God, Pastor Chris Oyakhilome over the years on ‘Your Loveworld Specials’, there is no doubt that the household series has become the emblem of comfort and faith in our world today.

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