Grace is a fundamental concept in the Christian faith, often defined as God’s unmerited favor. It is not something that can be earned but is freely given by God to humanity. Grace is the cornerstone of salvation, bridging the gap between humans and the divine. This divine favor permeates both the Old and New Testaments, highlighting God’s loving and gracious nature. As believers experience God’s grace, they are encouraged to extend this grace to others, fostering hearts filled with compassion and love.

“You are going to walk in Great Grace…”
Pastor Chris Oyakhilome announced at the August Global Communion Service, “Welcome to the month of August! This is the month of great grace. As we step into this new month, I want to share with you the incredible power and significance of grace in our lives…”
He continued to say: “You’re going to walk in great grace, extraordinary things will happen in your life, Great grace is for special things. God’s attention is towards you to do you good and bless you in a special way. It’s His plan. And you say AMEN to it. That’s what you’re going to enjoy this month.”
Understanding Grace Through Scripture
The Bible is replete with verses that illustrate the concept of grace. In the Old Testament, grace is depicted as an integral aspect of God’s character. The New Testament further elaborates on grace’s role in salvation and faith. Acts 11:23 recounts how Barnabas saw the grace of God at work in the lives of early Christians, describing it as a visible manifestation of an inward divine influence. This grace is described as “charis” in Greek, reflecting the divine influence on the heart that is outwardly evident in a person’s life.
Manifestations of Grace
The grace of God on its own can’t be seen until you see what it produces. So, the Lord impresses on your heart through His Word and the Holy Spirit.
Pastor Chris Oyakhilome emphasizes that the grace of God can be seen in its outcomes. Just as the wind is invisible, its effects are observable, and so is grace. It manifests in various forms, such as:
- Acceptability: Grace attracts people, creating a welcoming presence transcending social status, profession, or gender.
- Advantage: Grace provides a distinct advantage, enabling believers to navigate life without unnecessary struggle.
- Favor: Grace ushers in favor, ensuring that goodness and forgiveness are always at hand.
- Joy: Grace produces indescribable joy, allowing believers to face challenges with a resilient spirit.
- Liberality: Grace fosters a generous spirit, encouraging both giving and receiving.
- Pleasure: Grace brings about a kind and happy pleasure in all aspects of life.
- Gifts: Grace bestows unique abilities and skills, empowering believers to excel in various areas.
Growing in Grace
The Apostle Peter encourages believers to grow in grace and knowledge of Jesus Christ (2 Peter 3:18). To grow in grace is to increase in the workings of God’s power in one’s life. As believers immerse themselves in God’s Word and allow the Holy Spirit to work within them, God’s grace becomes increasingly manifest. This growth in grace is akin to increased capacity, enabling believers to accomplish greater feats for the Kingdom of God.
Grace in Action
Pastor Chris elaborates that the degree to which grace reflects outwardly depends on an individual’s engagement with God’s Word and the Holy Spirit. Christians are urged to seek more grace to enhance their capacity for greater achievements. Hebrews 4:16 invites believers to approach the throne of grace boldly to obtain mercy and find grace to help in times of need. Whether it’s for healing, business growth, or soul-winning, grace is available to meet every need.
As we journey through this ‘Month of Great Grace‘, let us be mindful of the profound influence of God’s grace in our lives. Let us embrace the divine enablement that grace offers, allowing it to reflect outwardly in our actions, interactions, and achievements. By growing in grace, we can experience the full spectrum of its manifestations—acceptability, advantage, favor, joy, liberality, pleasure, and gifts. This month, may we all take advantage of the grace available to us, fulfilling our divine potential and making a significant impact on the Kingdom of God.