The beautiful holiday tradition that celebrates the birth of Christ once again brought thousands of soul-winning attendees to the legendary Loveworld Convocation Arena where they rejoiced in song.
The multitude of participants swarmed into the Loveworld Convocation Arena to chant in perfect unison, the customary Christmas carols.
Dressed in white, their heartfelt praises were beamed into millions of homes around the world, where everybody got a taste of this holy Christmas magic.
Many songs were sung that night, but a special rendition of Oh Holy Night’ truly lit up the thousands of souls that filled the arena, illuminating the evening with a Godly glow.
The man of God revealed through the scriptures that Jesus is ‘the Word Incarnate’ and “when it came to God’s thoughts and views and opinions and ideas and His will to be personified, the result was the man — Jesus!”
To truly appreciate the Christmas and celebrate the word of God, one must understand the spirit of Christmas. Last year Pastor Chris perfectly described the meaning behind the birth of Christ with an explanation for every letter if the word ‘Christmas’.
“C” means “Christ has come!” Christ is born and is here now!
“H” stands for “Hope.” We’re at rest now, because Christ has come, and our hope for a glorious life has been fulfilled.
“R” means “Righteousness!” There’s no need to struggle to please God with our own works of righteousness because He has made us the epitome of His own righteousness (2 Corinthians 5:21).
“I” means “Inheritance!” Inheritance has been bestowed on us; we’re no longer poor. Rather, we’re joint-heirs with Christ (Romans 8:17).
“S” means “Salvation.” Salvation has been consummated since Christ has come.
“T” means “Tell the untold that Christ has come.” Tell someone about Jesus today!
“M” means “Ministry,” which refers to taking our place as ministers of reconciliation. And what is the message of that ministry?
That’s what “A” stands for—“Acceptance!” We’re to tell the whole world that they’ve been forgiven and accepted by the Father, irrespective of their past. God is not counting their sins against them (2 Corinthians 5:19). The final.
“S” refers to sonship. Now that we are accepted in Him, He has brought us into “sonship!” (1 John 3:2).
The service is still live on all LoveWorld stations and CeFLIX. Join now to experience the cheer of Christmas!
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Merry Christmas