With many global citizens in quarantine, the coronavirus is still spreading throughout the globe. The seriousness of the situation has changed many people’s landscape. There are people who are going out into the community to make sure the vulnerable are not forgotten. There are those who work in the medical front line services who risk their lives so we can all be safe.
Applause for the medical community
There has been a pause to applaud those brave workers in the medical field who are working to contain this virus. Across Europe, many communities have taken to social media and asked people to stand on their balconies and applaud those healthcare workers who are working. This act of solidarity, gratitude, and support has been heard in Amsterdam, Lisbon, Barcelona, Berlin, Rome, Greece, Zagreb and Tel Aviv.
The Director of the WHO Dr. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus gave a press conference last week and thanked those heroes who are stretched to the limit keeping the medical community going. He especially thanked the nurses and midwives who are keeping these services going.
He implored the world to take on the guidelines set out by the WHO to reduce transmission. The steps of testing, tracing, quarantine, treating, social distancing and community mobilization will help flatten the curve. Every case that is found and treated helps reduce the onslaught. He urged everyone to follow their government’s advice and measures.
Community helpers
Social workers and teachers are also unsung heroes during insecure times. We are living in unprecedented times with the coronavirus. At times like this, it brings out the best in humanity. We should remember these people in our prayers and those community-minded people who are making life better for someone else.
It could be the foodbank teams, volunteers in the community or businesses who are having a hard time but still doing great things who make a difference to the lonely and neglected. The incredible emergency service workers, those who are looking out for the elderly and people going above and beyond we want to shine a light on the heroes in this hour of need.

Food banks
Hunger never ends and during this time it important that those who are hungry have access to food banks. The recipients may live in towns, hospitals, refugee camps or orphanages.
Humanitarian Volunteer Network (HVN) Benin Republic team 3 led by Blessing Adoghe identified and distributed food to special families in N’venamede community, Akpakpa, Cotonou. HVN Uganda team 2 led by Olivia Rose distributed food to ’Set her Free’ Rescue Home for Girls-a rehabilitation home for neglected girls. HVN Volunteer John Okoroafor fed 250 pupils at Rumude Primary School, Jimeta Yola in Adamawa State. This is just an example of the dedication of a few members of Christ Embassy who go and help whatever the challenges.
Online worship

Prayers never stop at Christ Embassy. There are many churches offering online services so during this time of spiritual need Christians can feel connected like here. Here we can pray for the safety of these brave community heroes and call to halt the spread of this disease.
This is a guide as to how to get the most out of online services.
Join service five minutes before the start time.
Dress up as though you would in an onsite service
Have your family gather in your living room or even if it’s just you make it a special time
Use a laptop if possible so you can feel free to stand up, sit down, praise God with your hands in the air
Don’t plan to have service in bed or while multitasking such as cooking, cleaning, driving etc. You have a meeting with the almighty God.
Do everything you normally will do in an onsite, sing aloud, worship in spirit and truth, pray effectively, open your bible, give your tithes & offerings
Make sure to focus on service until the end.
Take selfies and post to social media to encourage friends to join in online.
Tune in to a service and hear what God is saying to His children through His prophet, Pastor Chris. Kindly log in here for a service.