The month of February is set to be one of humility as the Man of God, Pastor Chris Oyakhilome, declared it to be the ‘Month of Grace’ at the February Global Communion Service on Sunday.
The second Global Communion Service in the ‘Year of Preparation’ began with beautiful songs of worship to God led by the LoveWorld choir. The global service was hosted from LoveWorld Studios in Lagos, Nigeria and broadcast live to millions of viewers all around the world via the LoveWorld Networks and various internet platforms.
The esteemed Pastor Ose Oyakhilome, Director, LoveWorld Networks, recounted the impact of the recently concluded ‘Your LoveWorld Specials and Praise-A-Thon with Pastor Chris and Pastor Benny Hinn‘ as she welcomed participants to the special service. She then urged the global congregation to participate in every session of the ongoing service with their hearts opened to receive all God has in store for them.
Reading from James 4:6 and Hebrews 4:16, Pastor Chris clarified that God gives more grace and not more anointing or double portion anointing as so many people crave. “What the Lord is saying is that in the month of February, more grace is being released,” he announced. The LoveWorld Believers received the Word with anticipated joy and excitement, as they are positioned to experience more grace in every area of their lives throughout February and beyond. There is no place in the world of God in the scriptures that talks about more anointing. You do not get more anointing. What God gives us, is more grace, Pastor Chris confirmed. ”God has called us to a life of grace heaped upon grace”

Humility is the Key to Working with God
God gives us more and more grace (power of the Holy Spirit, to meet this evil tendency and all others fully). That is why He says, God sets Himself against the proud and haughty, but gives grace to the lowly; those who are humble enough to receive it.
James describes how living according to the world’s wisdom has led to great conflict. He calls them to quit their friendship with the world, humble themselves, repent from their sin, and receive God’s grace. God is the Lawgiver and Judge, not man.
But even if we have been living this way, we have not outrun the grace of God. This grace is given to all who trust in Christ. Our sin is serious, devastating, and wicked, but God gives more grace. He forgives our sinfulness in Christ and continues to give us the good we have not earned.
God opposes the proud. Our refusal to trust God to provide what we need, what He wants for us and our insistence on getting what we want for ourselves is an act of pride. We are attempting to be the God of our own lives. God will lovingly, jealously oppose us when we do so, but He will not reject us in Christ.
Instead, He calls us to humble ourselves and receive more grace from Him. He calls us to repent of the sin of self-reliance and demanding what we want and yield to Him, receiving with gratitude all the good He chooses to give us and all the seeming good He chooses to withhold. God is calling us back to the peaceful, faithful path of trusting Him.
Offering is an Act of Worship
”The Church is founded on Christ, the solid rock and not on a revelation” Pastor Chris Oyakhilome explained to his global audience, the Word declares in Titus 2:11 ”For the grace of God has appeared, bringing salvation for all people”.
The new year doesn’t offer anything on its own, but it’s what’s in your human spirit that comes to bear. Pastor Chris described to the global audient the different types of offerings.
”The freewill offering, which is where you demonstrate your faith, is the greatest so it can be bigger than the required offerings.” He continued to explain about the Thanksgiving Offering and Required Offerings, which is the tithe, First Fruit Offering.
Soul-Winning with Pastor Chris
Pastor Chris once again emphasized the importance of soul-winning: ”You are not a witness because you won a soul, but because you are a witness you win souls”
He went on to say: “You can’t win people to God with your mind, but you can be very successful at it through the influence of the Holy Spirit. These are the last days, and the Spirit of God is pulling many into the kingdom through our soul-winning efforts.”
Soul winners are precious and influential people in the sight of God. As a child of God, nothing should mean more to you than leading those in your world who have not yet known the Lord into salvation. We are all missionaries here on earth, ambassadors for Christ, commissioned to take the message of salvation to everyone in your world; therefore, this year, more than we’ve ever done, we need to get ourselves occupied with evangelism and soul-winning. Help someone else receive salvation; help those around you learn the Word; show them the path of life. Teach them how to live. This is your calling as a Christian.