Affecting Change with Pastor Chris Oyakhilome

We have just completed the 7-day Global Prayer and Fasting on LoveWorld Specials with Pastor Chris Oyakhilome, which saw millions of people joining the Man of God to effect changes in the world for the ‘Year of the Prolific Church’.

Pastor Chris reveals daily nuggets

Each day our Man of God, Pastor Chris has spoken to the nations of the world saying that God has given us prophetic words to war with which we must use in prayer. Here are some of the highlights from the wisdom that he dished out to the world.

“There are things we do as Christians, if you continue in the way that is inconsistent with the Christian life, soon you will not be a Christian. Do what Christians do. There are attitudes that Christians should cultivate. We have a way to talk. We are trained in a Christian way in the house of God. There is a Christian life to live every day. It’s more than just praying to God to bring you out of trouble. You live for him.”

“There are difficult days, but through the Holy Spirit we live through them as though they are barely natural to us; as natural as water is to the fish. The fish has no difficulty swimming in the water at all. The terrain of life in the world today is not new to the man; to the woman that is filled with the Holy Ghost.”

“I’m saying to you my brothers and sisters, Christ has given us dominion, He is enthroned on high. He has given us power and authority. He has given us His Name to use, a Name to live by. I have taken time to share these things with you so that your faith may be in God. That you should also realize that these are the difficult days that the bible warned us of.”

“The whole world can’t be deceived while we are here, because we are custodians of truth; we are messengers of truth. We are the light of the world and darkness is repelled by light. We are repelling their darkness by the power of the Holy Ghost.”

“We are the custodians of truth; He gave us the truth as the Gospel to take to the nations of the world. Once we are gone, the speakers of truth are gone, because the Holy Spirit came to give us the truth and to help us to know the truth, because He said “ He will guide us into all truth”. Once we are gone out of this world they have no means of knowing the truth.”

“You have to realize that a day of deception is coming in which there will be no alternative to deception. It will only be deception. At that time you can only be deceived, you cannot hear the voice of truth. The good thing is that day is not today. Today you have truth; you have a chance. Today you can hear the truth; today we preach the truth because today the spirit of truth is in operation.”

“The Spirit of truth is the Comforter; the Holy Spirit of God. Today, the spirit of truth is in operation through the body of Christ.”

“Prayer is our way given to us by God to invite Him into our circumstances. He gave us the privilege, the honor and the right of prayer, so when we pray He can step into the situation and do for us what otherwise would’ve been inconsistent for His character to do because of the condition of man’s spirit. So He tells us to pray for all men because God loves all everybody.”

“He tells us that if we would pray then we would have the results; we can then have a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and honesty. This is not heaven; He didn’t say this would happen to you in heaven. If you pray, you are going to have this in your country; in your city.”

“One of the things I told you to do this year: Take church seriously. Go to church; make it a habit. It’s a Christian habit to go to church, so cultivate it. It’s important. Coming together to pray is also a Christian habit. The word of God expects us to do so.”

Let us take the wisdom of Pastor Chris and integrate it into our daily lives as we move forward, closer to the coming of the Lord.

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