2,330 Teens’ Pastors & Leaders from 50 Countries Assemble for Capacity Building

The workings of the Lord were in full swing when the International Teens Pastors and Leaders Conference (ITPLC) was created. The gathering that launched the LoveWorld Teens Ministry exceeded expectations when 2,330 delegates from 50 zones and 20 countries attended the epochal conference from Monday, November 12th, through Wednesday, November 14th, in Lagos, Nigeria.

An array of Esteemed Delegates

Swarms of partners and friends gathered to be upgraded. Several members of the LoveWorld CEC, esteemed Directors and Senior Pastors, including Reverend Tom Amenkhienan, Reverend Ray Okocha, Pastor Kayode Adesina, Pastor Deola Philips, and Pastor Yemisi Kudehinbu, imparted the teen Pastors, coordinators, and delegates with the word of the gospel and heaps of blessing. The highly esteemed Reverend Tom Amenkhienan ministered to the teeming youth leaders.

Spectacular LMAM Stars

LMAM stars such as TB1, Tru South, E-Rock, SamJamz, and others rocked the show with their spectacular displays of musical mastery. There were electrifying displays of creative arts from LMAM Stars. A talent show session was also held, where all delegates were given the chance to strut their hidden gifts. Special recognition awards were presented to various zones for their exploits and for adhering to the Loveworld Teens Ministry policies and programs in the year 2018.

“Explore, Expand, Execute”.

Delegates showcase their gifts in the course of the program.
During the ITPLC 2018, the first ITPLC Exhibition was launched, with several zones exhibiting the exploits of the year – the Year of the Supernatural. The displays inspired delegates to reach further heights. The conference, according to a Loveworld News report ended with “thunderous shouts of joy and triumphant dance celebrations” as the Director of the LoveWorld Teens Ministry, Pastor Biodun Lawal, motivated the young pastors to “Explore, Expand, Execute”.

“The teenagers have gone forth to create testimonies and produce growth in every ramification, using the impartations of God’s Spirit received during the ITPLC 2018”
The annual International Pastors’ and Partners’ Conference, of course, has been filled with a series of smaller conferences over course of the week. Each of the multiple facets of Christ Embassy has their own convention which showcases their many accomplishments. These include the Translators’ Network International Conference (TNIC), Loveworld Exhibition, Loveworld Archives, International Media Connector Conference (IMCC)

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