“July is the ‘Month of Joy’,” Pastor Chris Announced at the Global Communion Service

Yesterday we had the July Global Communion Service with Pastor Chris Oyakhilome, and it was a beautiful service, bringing to an end the series of fasting and prayer programs, which had been a week-long program since the 14th Global Day Of Prayer, and launching us into the new ‘Month of Joy’.

Each month the Man of God introduces the word of the month to great anticipation. July has been the ‘Month of Joy for a few years now, making this a month of celebration.

The ‘Month of Joy’ should be accompanied by Love Feasts, Pastor Chris instructed and the activities should include songs of praise to God, prayers, exhortation and testimonies, and food and drinks. The Man of God also made it clear that the feasts should be prepared by you, not by a restaurant or caterer.

“July is the ‘Month of Joy’,” Pastor Chris Oyakhilome announced at the Global Communion Service.

Look back at past Months of Joy

In July 2021 Pastor Chris announced: “We’re going to joy in God through our Lord Jesus Christ; every day of this month, we will celebrate,” at the Global Communion Service, continuing to say, “This is the 7th month of the year, and God has a plan for us; we’re going to celebrate like never before.”

Reading from Nehemiah 8:10, Romans 5:11, Romans 14:17, and 1 Peter 1:8, Pastor Chris encouraged the global audience to remain in an eclipse of joy throughout the month. “We’re going to joy in God through our Lord Jesus Christ,” Pastor Chris posited. Highlighting the uniqueness of the month, the man of God admonished the saints to organize love feasts, sing songs of praise to God, offer prayers of joyful thanksgivings, bask in uplifting exhortations, and share testimonies as they make merry with food and drinks regularly all through the month.

In July 2022, the Man of God gave us a sneak peek into the word of the month before the Global Communion Service, when he made the premature announcement at the close of the third day of the Global Prayer and Fasting that July would be the ‘Month of Joy‘.

We were told after the glorious 3-day Fasting and Prayer program, where we were prepared for an extraordinary and most victorious 2nd half of the year, and launched into new levels of joy unspeakable and full of glory.

“It will be a month of celebration and we will be eating at the Lord’s table,” the man of God expatiated.

We’ll joy in the Lord and feast in His presence throughout this month.

The LoveWorld President gave further instructions concerning the month as he said it’s a season of celebration when God’s people should organize and feast on the Lord’s table. He explained the significance of Love Feast and God’s desire for His children to engage in it from time to time.

He, however, gave clear instructions on how churches should organize the wining and dining that should take place all through the month of July. He also emphasized that the eating and drinking and eating meetings should be accompanied by sessions of praise and worship to God.

This year Pastor Chris admonished the global congregation to become more knowledgeable about the law and be ready to challenge “obnoxious” laws.

Watch the moment Pastor Chris announces the word of the month.

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